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InstallationTarget Element (VSX Schema)

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Defines a SKU that this extension can be installed into. Every SKU must install a manifest file to advertise its availability to extensions.

<InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro" Version="[10.0-11.0]" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.





The package identity for a SKU, formatted as an arbitrary number of segments arranged in order of decreasing scope, for example, Company.Product.Feature.Name. Can contain only alphanumeric characters and is limited to 100 characters.

The expected values are:

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.VWDExpress

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.PhoneExpress

  • Microsoft.VisualStudio.Express

  • My.Shell.App


Specifies the minimum and maximum supported versions of this SKU. The version range notation is: [10.0 – 11.0].

  • A leading left square bracket means the minimum version is inclusive.

  • A trailing right square bracket means the maximum version is inclusive.

  • A leading left parenthesis means the minimum version is exclusive.

  • A trailing right parenthesis means the maximum version is exclusive.

  • A single version number selects a minimum supported version and an unbounded maximum.

Child Elements




Parent Elements



InstallationTargets Element

Defines how this package can be installed and the application SKUs that it can be installed into.

Text Value

Any attributes not listed in this document are exposed to the VSIX Manifest API as a name-value pair dictionary.

If the extension is a Visual Studio system component, true; otherwise, false. By default, the value is false.


This element is reserved for use by Microsoft only. Extensions that have the SystemComponent flag set to true cannot be uninstalled by Extension Manager.

Element Information


Schema Name

VSIX Manifest

Validation File


Can be Empty

Not applicable

See Also

Other Resources

Visual Studio Extension Deployment

VSIX Extension Schema Reference