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Destroy Event

Occurs when an object is released.

PROCEDURE Object.Destroy


Applies To: CheckBox | Collection Class | Column | ComboBox | CommandButton | Container Object | Control Object | Cursor | CursorAdapter Class | Custom | DataEnvironment | EditBox | Exception Class | Form | FormSet | Grid | Header | Image | Label | Line | ListBox | OLE Bound Control | OLE Container Control | OptionButton | Page | PageFrame | ProjectHook Object | Relation | ReportListener Object | Session Object | Shape | Spinner | TextBox | Timer | ToolBar

The Destroy event for a container object triggers before the Destroy event for any of its contained objects; the container's Destroy event can refer to its contained objects before they are released.

See Also


AddObject Method


Init Event


QueryUnload Event

Unload Event

Release Method

Other Resources

Events (Visual FoxPro)

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)