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SET Structure

The SET structure defines a set of values.


typedef struct _SET {
  DWORD nEntries;
  union {
    LPBYTE lpByteTable;
    LPWORD lpWordTable;
    LPDWORD lpDwordTable;
    LPLARGEINT lpLargeIntTable;
    LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTimeTable;
    LPLABELED_BYTE lpLabeledByteTable;
    LPLABELED_WORD lpLabeledWordTable;
    LPLABELED_DWORD lpLabeledDwordTable;
    LPLABELED_LARGEINT lpLabeledLargeIntTable;
    LPLABELED_SYSTEMTIME lpLabeledSystemTimeTable;
    LPLABELED_BIT lpLabeledBit;
    LPVOID lpVoidTable;
  } ;


  • nEntries
    Total number of entries in a set.

  • lpByteTable
    Pointer to an array of BYTE values.

  • lpWordTable
    Pointer to an array of WORD values.

  • lpDwordTable
    Pointer to an array of DWORD values.

  • lpLargeIntTable
    Pointer to an array of LARGEINT structures.

  • lpSystemTimeTable
    Pointer to an array of SYSTEMTIME values.

  • lpLabeledByteTable
    Pointer to an array of LABELED_BYTE structures. Each LABELED_BYTE structure defines a value and label. Network Monitor displays a label if it finds a corresponding value in the protocol packet.

  • lpLabeledWordTable
    Pointer to an array of LABELED_WORD structures that define a set of WORD values and labels.

  • lpLabeledDwordTable
    Pointer to an array of LABELED_DWORD structures that define a set of DWORD values and labels.

  • lpLabeledLargeIntTable
    Pointer to an array of LABELED_LARGEINT structures that define a set of LARGEINT values and labels.

  • lpLabeledSystemTimeTable
    Pointer to an array of LABELED_SYSTEMTIME structures that define a set of SYSTEM values and labels.

  • lpLabeledBit
    Pointer to an array of LABELED_BIT structures that define a set of labeled BIT pairs. Each BIT can specify two labels — one label for each state (0 or 1) of the BIT.

  • lpVoidTable
    Pointer to an array of values.


The SET structure is used to define a set of comparison data that Network Monitor can use to interpret the value of a property in a protocol packet. When a set of comparison data is required, a pointer to the SET structure is specified in the lpSet member of the PROPERTYINFO structure.

The parser DLL can provide a value set and a label set. The member of the UNION that you select in a SET structure points to an array of structures that define each member of a set.

  • Value set

    A value set is used when you want Network Monitor to include an in-set or not-in-set indicator with the value found in the protocol packet. For example, if a DWORD set is specified, Network Monitor displays a label for each DWORD value found in the protocol packet, indicating that the DWORD is or is not specified in the set.

    A value set can be based on BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LARGEINT, and SYSTEMTIME data types.

  • Label set

    A label set is used when you want Network Monitor to display a user-defined label instead of the property values specified in a set.

    A label set can be based on BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LARGEINT, SYSTEMTIME and BIT label pairs.


Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server
Header Netmon.h

See Also



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Build date: 11/9/2009