SQL Features Unavailable in Microsoft Windows Search
Microsoft Windows Search query language is based on Structured Query Language (SQL); however, it does not search in a relational database with user-defined tables or indexes. Because of this, many standard SQL statements and syntax features do not apply. The following is a list of the more significant SQL features that are not supported in Windows Search.
- CONVERT() (use the CAST functions instead)
- CREATE VIEW statement
- Data definition language
- DATASOURCE statement
- Date and Time formats other than ISO date and time stamp
- Derived columns using AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM(), or other calculations
- GRANT statement
- Information schema
- INSERT statement
- OLE DB data types
- SQL-standard regular expressions (use CONTAINS, LIKE, and MATCHES instead)
- Parameters to SQL queries
- Relational column comparison
- Revision ID header
- REVOKE statement
- SCOPE aliases or revision numbers
- SELECT ALL (removes duplicates automatically)
- Stored procedures
- Structured document expansion
- UNKNOWN keyword
- UPDATE statement
- BATCH statements
- Thesaurus