Comandos de la CLI clásica de Azure
Las máquinas virtuales clásicas se retirarán el 1 de marzo de 2023.
Si usa recursos de IaaS desde ASM, complete la migración antes del 1 de marzo de 2023. Le recomendamos que realice el cambio antes, para aprovechar las diversas mejoras de las características de Azure Resource Manager.
Para más información, consulte Migración de los recursos de IaaS a Azure Resource Manager antes de 1 de marzo de 2023.
Este tema describe cómo instalar la CLI clásica de Azure. La CLI clásica está en desuso y solo debe usarse con el modelo de implementación clásico. Para las demás implementaciones, utilice la CLI de Azure.
En este artículo se proporcionan la sintaxis y las opciones de los comandos de la interfaz de la línea de comandos (CLI) clásica de Azure que normalmente se usan para crear y administrar recursos de Azure. Tenga en cuenta que esta no es una referencia completa y que la versión de CLI puede mostrar algunos comandos o parámetros diferentes.
En primer lugar, instale la CLI clásica de Azure y conéctese a su suscripción de Azure.
Para las opciones y la sintaxis de comando actuales de la línea de comandos en el modo del Administrador de recursos, escriba azure help
o, para mostrar la ayuda de un comando específico, azure help [command]
. También encontrará ejemplos de CLI en la documentación para crear y administrar servicios de Azure concretos.
Se muestran parámetros opcionales entre corchetes (por ejemplo, [parameter]
). Los demás parámetros son obligatorios.
Además de los parámetros opcionales específicos de los comandos documentados aquí, existen tres parámetros opcionales que pueden usarse para mostrar el resultado detallado como opciones de solicitud y códigos de estado. El parámetro -v
ofrece un resultado detallado y el parámetro -vv
, un resultado incluso más detallado. La opción --json
mostrará el resultado en formato JSON sin procesar.
Configuración del modo de Resource Manager
Use el siguiente comando para habilitar los comandos de la CLI de Azure en modo de Resource Manager.
azure config mode arm
El modo de Azure Resource Manager de la CLI y el modo de administración de servicios de Azure son mutuamente excluyentes. Es decir, los recursos creados en un modo no se pueden administrar desde el otro.
Información de cuenta
La herramienta usa la información de la suscripción de Azure para la conexión a su cuenta.
Enumerar las suscripciones importadas
account list [options]
Mostrar detalles acerca de la suscripción
account show [options] [subscriptionNameOrId]
Establecer la suscripción actual
account set [options] <subscriptionNameOrId>
Quitar una suscripción o entorno, o borrar toda la información de cuenta y del entorno
account clear [options]
Comandos para administrar el entorno de cuenta
account env list [options]
account env show [options] [environment]
account env add [options] [environment]
account env set [options] [environment]
account env delete [options] [environment]
Objetos de Active Directory
Comandos para mostrar aplicaciones de Active Directory
ad app create [options]
ad app delete [options] <object-id>
Comandos para mostrar grupos de Active Directory
ad group list [options]
ad group show [options]
Comandos para proporcionar información de un subgrupo o miembro de Active Directory
ad group member list [options] [objectId]
Comandos para mostrar entidades de servicio de Active Directory
ad sp list [options]
ad sp show [options]
ad sp create [options] <application-id>
ad sp delete [options] <object-id>
Comandos para mostrar usuarios de Active Directory
ad user list [options]
ad user show [options]
Conjuntos de disponibilidad
Crea un conjunto de disponibilidad dentro de un grupo de recursos
availset create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> [tags]
Enumera los conjuntos de disponibilidad dentro de un grupo de recursos
availset list [options] <resource-group>
Obtiene un conjunto de disponibilidad dentro de un grupo de recursos
availset show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Elimina un conjunto de disponibilidad dentro de un grupo de recursos
availset delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Configuración local
Mostrar ajustes de configuración de la CLI de Azure
config list [options]
Eliminar un valor de configuración
config delete [options] <name>
Actualizar un valor de configuración
config set <name> <value>
Establece el modo de trabajo de la CLI de Azure como arm
o asm
config mode [options] <modename>
Características de la cuenta
Enumera todas las características disponibles para su suscripción
feature list [options]
Muestra una característica
feature show [options] <providerName> <featureName>
Registra una característica de vista previa de un proveedor de recursos
feature register [options] <providerName> <featureName>
Grupos de recursos
Crea un grupo de recursos.
group create [options] <name> <location>
Establece etiquetas para un grupo de recursos
group set [options] <name> <tags>
Elimina un grupo de recursos
group delete [options] <name>
Enumera los grupos de recursos para la suscripción
group list [options]
Muestra un grupo de recursos para la suscripción
group show [options] <name>
Comandos para administrar registros de grupo de recursos
group log show [options] [name]
Comandos para administrar la implementación en un grupo de recursos
group deployment create [options] [resource-group] [name]
group deployment list [options] <resource-group> [state]
group deployment show [options] <resource-group> [deployment-name]
group deployment stop [options] <resource-group> [deployment-name]
Comandos para administrar la plantilla de grupos de recursos local o de la galería
group template list [options]
group template show [options] <name>
group template download [options] [name] [file]
group template validate [options] <resource-group>
Clústeres de HDInsight
Comandos para crear o agregar a un archivo de configuración de clúster
hdinsight config create [options] <configFilePath> <overwrite>
hdinsight config add-config-values [options] <configFilePath>
hdinsight config add-script-action [options] <configFilePath>
Ejemplo: Crear un archivo de configuración que contenga una acción de sript para ejecutarlo al crear un clúster.
hdinsight config create "C:\myFiles\configFile.config"
hdinsight config add-script-action --configFilePath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" --nodeType HeadNode --uri <scriptActionURI> --name myScriptAction --parameters "-param value"
Comando para crear un clúster en un grupo de recursos
hdinsight cluster create [options] <clusterName>
Ejemplo: Crear una clúster de Linux o Storm
azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup -l westus -y Linux --clusterType Storm --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 myNewCluster01
info: Executing command hdinsight cluster create
+ Submitting the request to create cluster...
info: hdinsight cluster create command OK
Ejemplo: Crear un clúster con una acción de script
azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup -l westus -y Linux --clusterType Hadoop --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 –configurationPath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" myNewCluster01
info: Executing command hdinsight cluster create
+ Submitting the request to create cluster...
info: hdinsight cluster create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
-vv more verbose with debug output
--json use json output
-g --resource-group <resource-group> The name of the resource group
-c, --clusterName <clusterName> HDInsight cluster name
-l, --location <location> Data center location for the cluster
-y, --osType <osType> HDInsight cluster operating system
'Windows' or 'Linux'
--version <version> HDInsight cluster version
--clusterType <clusterType> HDInsight cluster type.
Hadoop | HBase | Spark | Storm
--defaultStorageAccountName <storageAccountName> Storage account url to use for default HDInsight storage
--defaultStorageAccountKey <storageAccountKey> Key to the storage account to use for default HDInsight storage
--defaultStorageContainer <storageContainer> Container in the storage account to use for HDInsight default storage
--headNodeSize <headNodeSize> (Optional) Head node size for the cluster
--workerNodeCount <workerNodeCount> Number of worker nodes to use for the cluster
--workerNodeSize <workerNodeSize> (Optional) Worker node size for the cluster)
--zookeeperNodeSize <zookeeperNodeSize> (Optional) Zookeeper node size for the cluster
--userName <userName> Cluster username
--password <password> Cluster password
--sshUserName <sshUserName> SSH username (only for Linux clusters)
--sshPassword <sshPassword> SSH password (only for Linux clusters)
--sshPublicKey <sshPublicKey> SSH public key (only for Linux clusters)
--rdpUserName <rdpUserName> RDP username (only for Windows clusters)
--rdpPassword <rdpPassword> RDP password (only for Windows clusters)
--rdpAccessExpiry <rdpAccessExpiry> RDP access expiry.
For example 12/12/2015 (only for Windows clusters)
--virtualNetworkId <virtualNetworkId> (Optional) Virtual network ID for the cluster.
Value is a GUID for Windows cluster and ARM resource ID for Linux cluster)
--subnetName <subnetName> (Optional) Subnet for the cluster
--additionalStorageAccounts <additionalStorageAccounts> (Optional) Additional storage accounts.
Can be multiple.
In the format of 'accountName#accountKey'.
For example, --additionalStorageAccounts "acc1#key1;acc2#key2"
--hiveMetastoreServerName <hiveMetastoreServerName> (Optional) SQL Server name for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastoreDatabaseName <hiveMetastoreDatabaseName> (Optional) Database name for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastoreUserName <hiveMetastoreUserName> (Optional) Database username for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastorePassword <hiveMetastorePassword> (Optional) Database password for the external metastore for Hive
--oozieMetastoreServerName <oozieMetastoreServerName> (Optional) SQL Server name for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastoreDatabaseName <oozieMetastoreDatabaseName> (Optional) Database name for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastoreUserName <oozieMetastoreUserName> (Optional) Database username for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastorePassword <oozieMetastorePassword> (Optional) Database password for the external metastore for Oozie
--configurationPath <configurationPath> (Optional) HDInsight cluster configuration file path
-s, --subscription <id> The subscription id
--tags <tags> Tags to set to the cluster.
Can be multiple.
In the format of 'name=value'.
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, --tags tag1=value1;tag2
Comando para eliminar un clúster
hdinsight cluster delete [options] <clusterName>
Comandos para mostrar los detalles del clúster
hdinsight cluster show [options] <clusterName>
Comando para enumerar todos los clústeres (en un grupo de recursos específico, si se ofrece)
hdinsight cluster list [options]
Comando para cambiar el tamaño de un clúster
hdinsight cluster resize [options] <clusterName> <targetInstanceCount>
Comando para habilitar el acceso HTTP para un clúster
hdinsight cluster enable-http-access [options] <clusterName> <userName> <password>
Comando para deshabilitar el acceso HTTP para un clúster
hdinsight cluster disable-http-access [options] <clusterName>
Comando para habilitar el acceso RDP para un clúster
hdinsight cluster enable-rdp-access [options] <clusterName> <rdpUserName> <rdpPassword> <rdpExpiryDate>
Comando para deshabilitar el acceso HTTP para un clúster
hdinsight cluster disable-rdp-access [options] <clusterName>
Insights (eventos, reglas de alerta, configuración de escalado automático, métricas)
Recuperar registros de operaciones de una suscripción, un correlationId, un grupo de recursos, un recurso o un proveedor de recursos
insights logs list [options]
Enumerar las ubicaciones disponibles
location list [options]
Recursos de red
Comandos para administrar redes virtuales
network vnet create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Crea una red virtual. En el ejemplo siguiente, crearemos una red virtual denominada newvnet para myresourcegroup de grupo de recursos en la región Oeste de EE. UU.
azure network vnet create myresourcegroup newvnet "west us"
info: Executing command network vnet create
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
+ Creating virtual network "newvnet"
Loading virtual network state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data: Name: newvnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data: Location: westus
data: Tags:
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefixes:
data: DNS servers:
data: Subnets:
info: network vnet create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the virtual network
-l, --location <location> the location
-a, --address-prefixes <address-prefixes> the comma separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network
For example -a,
Default value is
-d, --dns-servers <dns-servers> the comma separated list of DNS servers IP addresses
-t, --tags <tags> the tags set on this virtual network.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet set [options] <resource-group> <name>
Actualiza una configuración de red virtual dentro de un grupo de recursos.
azure network vnet set myresourcegroup newvnet
info: Executing command network vnet set
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
+ Updating virtual network "newvnet"
+ Loading virtual network state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data: Name: newvnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data: Location: westus
data: Tags:
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefixes:
data: DNS servers:
data: Subnets:
info: network vnet set command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the virtual network
-a, --address-prefixes <address-prefixes> the comma separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network.
For example -a,
This list will be appended to the current list of address prefixes.
The address prefixes in this list should not overlap between them.
The address prefixes in this list should not overlap with existing address prefixes in the vnet.
-d, --dns-servers [dns-servers] the comma separated list of DNS servers IP addresses.
This list will be appended to the current list of DNS server IP addresses.
-t, --tags <tags> the tags set on this virtual network.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional. For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2.
This list will be appended to the current list of tags
--no-tags remove all existing tags
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet list [options] <resource-group>
El comando enumera todas las redes virtuales en un grupo de recursos.
C:\>azure network vnet list myresourcegroup
info: Executing command network vnet list
+ Listing virtual networks
data: ID
Name Location Address prefixes DNS servers
data: -------------------------------------------------------------------
------ -------- -------- ---------------- -----------
data: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/
wvnet newvnet westus
info: network vnet list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet show [options] <resource-group> <name>
El comando muestra las propiedades de red virtual en un grupo de recursos.
azure network vnet show -g myresourcegroup -n newvnet
info: Executing command network vnet show
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data: Name: newvnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data: Location: westus
data: Tags:
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefixes:
data: DNS servers:
data: Subnets:
info: network vnet show command OK
network vnet delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
El comando quita una red virtual.
azure network vnet delete myresourcegroup newvnetX
info: Executing command network vnet delete
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnetX"
Delete virtual network newvnetX? [y/n] y
+ Deleting virtual network "newvnetX"
info: network vnet delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the virtual network
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar subredes virtuales
network vnet subnet create [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>
Agrega otra subred a una red virtual existente.
azure network vnet subnet create -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet --address-prefix
info: Executing command network vnet subnet create
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
+ Creating subnet "subnet"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet
data: Name: subnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name> the name of the subnet
-a, --address-prefix <address-prefix> the address prefix
-w, --network-security-group-id <network-security-group-id> the network security group identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<nsg-name>
-o, --network-security-group-name <network-security-group-name> the network security group name
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet subnet set [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>
Establece una subred de red virtual específica dentro de un grupo de recursos.
C:\>azure network vnet subnet set -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
+ Setting subnet "subnet1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet1
data: Name: subnet1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet set command OK
network vnet subnet list [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name>
Enumera todas las subredes de red virtual para una red virtual específica dentro de un grupo de recursos.
azure network vnet subnet set -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
+ Setting subnet "subnet1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet1
data: Name: subnet1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet set command OK
network vnet subnet show [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>
Muestra las propiedades de la subred de red virtual.
azure network vnet subnet show -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet show
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft
data: Name: subnet1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet show command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name> the name of the subnet
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet subnet delete [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <subnet-name>
Quita una subred de una red virtual existente.
azure network vnet subnet delete -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet delete
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
Delete subnet "subnet1"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting subnet "subnet1"
info: network vnet subnet delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name> the subnet name
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
Comandos para administrar los equilibradores de carga
network lb create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Crea un conjunto de equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb create -g myresourcegroup -n mylb -l westus
info: Executing command network lb create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Creating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data: Name: mylb
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
data: Location: westus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
info: network lb create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the load balancer
-l, --location <location> the location
-t, --tags <tags> the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional. For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb list [options] <resource-group>
Enumera los recursos de Equilibrador de carga dentro de un grupo de recursos.
azure network lb list myresourcegroup
info: Executing command network lb list
+ Getting the load balancers
data: Name Location
data: ---- --------
data: mylb westus
info: network lb list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Muestra información del equilibrador de un equilibrador de carga específico dentro de un grupo de recursos de carga.
azure network lb show myresourcegroup mylb -v
info: Executing command network lb show
verbose: Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data: Name: mylb
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
data: Location: westus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
info: network lb show command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Elimina recursos de equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb delete myresourcegroup mylb
info: Executing command network lb delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete load balancer "mylb"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the load balancer
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar los sondeos de un equilibrador de carga
network lb probe create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crear la configuración de sondeo de estado de mantenimiento en el equilibrador de carga. Tenga en cuenta que, para ejecutar este comando, el equilibrador de carga requiere un recurso frontend-ip (consulte el comando "azure network frontend-ip" para asignar una dirección ip al equilibrador de carga).
azure network lb probe create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n mylbprobe --protocol tcp --port 80 -i 300
info: Executing command network lb probe create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb probe create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the probe
-p, --protocol <protocol> the probe protocol
-o, --port <port> the probe port
-f, --path <path> the probe path
-i, --interval <interval> the probe interval in seconds
-c, --count <count> the number of probes
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb probe set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Actualiza un sondeo de equilibrador de carga existente con los nuevos valores.
azure network lb probe set -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbprobe -p mylbprobe1 -p TCP -o 443 -i 300
info: Executing command network lb probe set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb probe set command OK
Opciones de parámetro
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the probe
-e, --new-probe-name <new-probe-name> the new name of the probe
-p, --protocol <protocol> the new value for probe protocol
-o, --port <port> the new value for probe port
-f, --path <path> the new value for probe path
-i, --interval <interval> the new value for probe interval in seconds
-c, --count <count> the new value for number of probes
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb probe list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Enumera las propiedades de sondeo para un conjunto de equilibrador de carga.
C:\>azure network lb probe list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb probe list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Protocol Port Path Interval Count
data: --------- -------- ---- ---- -------- -----
data: mylbprobe Tcp 443 300 2
info: network lb probe list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb probe delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Quita el sondeo creado para el equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb probe delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbprobe
info: Executing command network lb probe delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete a probe "mylbprobe?" [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb probe delete command OK
Comandos para administrar las configuraciones de frontend ip de un equilibrador de carga
network lb frontend-ip create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crea una configuración de frontend IP a un conjunto existente de equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb frontend-ip create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myfrontendip -o Dynamic -e subnet -m newvnet
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
+ Creating frontend IP configuration "myfrontendip"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/Myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data: Name: myfrontendip
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Private IP allocation method: Dynamic
data: Private IP address:
data: Subnet: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet
data: Public IP address:
data: Inbound NAT rules
data: Outbound NAT rules
data: Load balancing rules
info: network lb frontend-ip create command OK
network lb frontend-ip set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Actualiza una configuración existente de una dirección IP de servidor frontend. El siguiente comando agrega una IP pública denominada mypubip5 a una IP de frontend de equilibrador de carga existente denominada myfrontendip.
azure network lb frontend-ip set -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myfrontendip -i mypubip5
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the public ip "mypubip5"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Name: myfrontendip
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Private IP allocation method: Dynamic
data: Private IP address:
data: Subnet:
data: Public IP address: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mypubip5
data: Inbound NAT rules
data: Outbound NAT rules
data: Load balancing rules
info: network lb frontend-ip set command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-a, --private-ip-address <private-ip-address> the private ip address
-o, --private-ip-allocation-method <private-ip-allocation-method> the private ip allocation method [Static, Dynamic]
-u, --public-ip-id <public-ip-id> the public ip identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<public-ip-name>
-i, --public-ip-name <public-ip-name> the public ip name.
This public ip must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use public-ip-id if that is not the case.
-b, --subnet-id <subnet-id> the subnet id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/VirtualNetworks/<vnet-name>/subnets/<subnet-name>
-e, --subnet-name <subnet-name> the subnet name
-m, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the virtual network name.
This virtual network must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use subnet-id if that is not the case.
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb frontend-ip list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Enumera todos los recursos IP de front-end configurados para el equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb frontend-ip list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state Private IP allocation method Subnet
data: ----------- ------------------ ---------------------------- ------
data: myprivateip Succeeded Dynamic
info: network lb frontend-ip list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb frontend-ip delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Elimina el objeto IP frontend asociado para el equilibrador de carga
network lb frontend-ip delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myfrontendip
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete frontend ip configuration "myfrontendip"? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar grupos de direcciones de backend de un equilibrador de carga
network lb address-pool create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crea un grupo de direcciones de back-end para un equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb address-pool create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myaddresspool
info: Executing command network lb address-pool create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourgroup/providers/Microso.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/myaddresspool
data: Name: myaddresspool
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Backend IP configurations:
data: Load balancing rules:
info: network lb address-pool create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the backend address pool
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb address-pool list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Enumerar el intervalo de grupo de direcciones IP de backend para un grupo de recursos específicos
azure network lb address-pool list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb address-pool list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state
data: ------------- ------------------
data: mybackendpool Succeeded
info: network lb address-pool list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb address-pool delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Quita el recurso de intervalo de grupo IP de backend de equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb address-pool delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mybackendpool
info: Executing command network lb address-pool delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete backend address pool "mybackendpool"? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb address-pool delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the backend address pool
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar reglas de equilibradores de carga
network lb rule create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crea reglas de equilibrador de carga.
Puede crear una regla de equilibrador de carga configurando el punto de conexión de front-end para el equilibrador de carga y el intervalo de grupo de direcciones de back-end para recibir el tráfico de red entrante. La configuración también incluye los puertos para el extremo IP de frontend y los puertos para el intervalo de grupo de direcciones de backend.
En el siguiente ejemplo se muestra cómo crear una regla de equilibrador de carga, el punto de conexión de front-end que escucha el puerto TCP 80 y el tráfico de red de equilibrio de carga que se envía al puerto 8080 para el intervalo de grupo de direcciones de back-end.
azure network lb rule create -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbrule -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i 10
info: Executing command network lb rule create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Loading rule state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/loadBalancingRules/mylbrule
data: Name: mylbrule
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP configuration: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend address pool: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
data: Protocol: Tcp
data: Frontend port: 80
data: Backend port: 8080
data: Enable floating IP: false
data: Idle timeout in minutes: 10
data: Probes
info: network lb rule create command OK
network lb rule set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Actualiza una regla existente del equilibrador de carga establecida en un grupo de recursos específico. En el siguiente ejemplo se cambió el nombre de la regla de mylbrule a mynewlbrule.
azure network lb rule set -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbrule -r mynewlbrule -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i 10 -t myfrontendip -o mybackendpool
info: Executing command network lb rule set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Loading rule state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/loadBalancingRules/mynewlbrule
data: Name: mynewlbrule
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP configuration: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend address pool: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
data: Protocol: Tcp
data: Frontend port: 80
data: Backend port: 8080
data: Enable floating IP: false
data: Idle timeout in minutes: 10
data: Probes
info: network lb rule set command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the rule
-r, --new-rule-name <new-rule-name> new rule name
-p, --protocol <protocol> the rule protocol
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port> the frontend port
-b, --backend-port <backend-port> the backend port
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip> enable floating point ip
-i, --idle-timeout <idle-timeout> the idle timeout in minutes
-a, --probe-name [probe-name] the name of the probe defined in the same load balancer
-t, --frontend-ip-name <frontend-ip-name> the name of the frontend ip configuration in the same load balancer
-o, --backend-address-pool <backend-address-pool> name of the backend address pool defined in the same load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb rule list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Enumera todas las reglas configuradas para un equilibrador de carga de un grupo de recursos específico.
azure network lb rule list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb rule list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state Protocol Frontend port Backend port Enable floating IP Idle timeout in minutes Backend address pool Probe data
data: mynewlbrule Succeeded Tcp 80 8080 false 10 /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
info: network lb rule list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb rule delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Elimina una regla de equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb rule delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mynewlbrule
info: Executing command network lb rule delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete load balancing rule mynewlbrule? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb rule delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the rule
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar reglas NAT de entrada de equilibradores de carga
network lb inbound-nat-rule create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crea una regla NAT de entrada para el equilibrador de carga.
En el ejemplo siguiente, creamos una regla NAT a partir de la dirección IP de front-end (que se definió previamente mediante el comando "azure network frontend-ip") con un puerto de escucha entrante y un puerto de salida que el equilibrador de carga usa para enviar el tráfico de red.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule create -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myinboundnat -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i myfrontendip
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/inboundNatRules/myinboundnat
data: Name: myinboundnat
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP Configuration: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend IP configuration
data: Protocol Tcp
data: Frontend port 80
data: Backend port 8080
data: Enable floating IP false
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the inbound NAT rule
-p, --protocol <protocol> the rule protocol [tcp,udp]
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port> the frontend port [0-65535]
-b, --backend-port <backend-port> the backend port [0-65535]
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip> enable floating point ip [true,false]
-i, --frontend-ip <frontend-ip> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-m, --vm-id <vm-id> the VM id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vm-name>
-a, --vm-name <vm-name> the VM name.This VM must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use vm-id if that is not the case.
this parameter will be ignored if --vm-id is specified
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb inbound-nat-rule set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Actualiza una regla NAT de entrada existente. En el siguiente ejemplo se cambió el puerto de escucha entrante de 80 a 81.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule set -g group-1 -l mylb -n myinboundnat -p tcp -f 81 -b 8080 -i myfrontendip
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/inboundNatRules/myinboundnat
data: Name: myinboundnat
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP Configuration: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend IP configuration
data: Protocol Tcp
data: Frontend port 81
data: Backend port 8080
data: Enable floating IP false
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule set command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the inbound NAT rule
-p, --protocol <protocol> the rule protocol [tcp,udp]
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port> the frontend port [0-65535]
-b, --backend-port <backend-port> the backend port [0-65535]
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip> enable floating point ip [true,false]
-i, --frontend-ip <frontend-ip> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-m, --vm-id [vm-id] the VM id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vm-name>
-a, --vm-name <vm-name> the VM name.
This virtual machine must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use vm-id if that is not the case
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb inbound-nat-rule list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Enumera todas las reglas NAT de entrada para el equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state Protocol Frontend port Backend port Enable floating IP Idle timeout in minutes Backend IP configuration
data: ------------ ------------------ -------- ------------- ------------ ------------------ ----------------------- ---
data: myinboundnat Succeeded Tcp 81 8080 false 4
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule list command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb inbound-nat-rule delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Elimina la regla NAT para el equilibrador de carga de un grupo de recursos específico.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myinboundnat
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete inbound NAT rule "myinboundnat?" [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the inbound NAT rule
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar direcciones ip públicas
network public-ip create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Crea un recurso de dirección IP pública. Creará el recurso de dirección ip pública y lo asociará a un nombre de dominio.
azure network public-ip create -g myresourcegroup -n mytestpublicip1 -l eastus -d azureclitest -a "Dynamic"
info: Executing command network public-ip create
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
+ Creating public ip address "mytestpublicip1"
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip1
data: Name: mytestpublicip1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Allocation method: Dynamic
data: Idle timeout: 4
data: Domain name label: azureclitest
data: FQDN:
info: network public-ip create command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public ip
-l, --location <location> the location
-d, --domain-name-label <domain-name-label> the domain name label.
This set DNS to <domain-name-label>.<location>
-a, --allocation-method <allocation-method> the allocation method [Static][Dynamic]
-i, --idletimeout <idletimeout> the idle timeout in minutes
-f, --reverse-fqdn <reverse-fqdn> the reverse fqdn
-t, --tags <tags> the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip set [options] <resource-group> <name>
Actualiza las propiedades de un recurso de dirección ip pública existente. En el siguiente ejemplo hemos cambiado la dirección IP pública de dinámica a estática.
azure network public-ip set -g group-1 -n mytestpublicip1 -d azureclitest -a "Static"
info: Executing command network public-ip set
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
+ Updating public ip address "mytestpublicip1"
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip1
data: Name: mytestpublicip1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Allocation method: Static
data: Idle timeout: 4
data: IP Address: (static IP address)
data: Domain name label: azureclitest
data: FQDN:
info: network public-ip set command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public ip
-d, --domain-name-label [domain-name-label] the domain name label.
This set DNS to <domain-name-label>.<location>
-a, --allocation-method <allocation-method> the allocation method [Static][Dynamic]
-i, --idletimeout <idletimeout> the idle timeout in minutes
-f, --reverse-fqdn [reverse-fqdn] the reverse fqdn
-t, --tags <tags> the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
--no-tags remove all existing tags
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip list [options] <resource-group>
Enumera todos los recursos de dirección IP pública dentro de un grupo de recursos.
azure network public-ip list -g myresourcegroup
info: Executing command network public-ip list
+ Getting the public ip addresses
data: Name Location Allocation IP Address Idle timeout DNS Name
data: --------------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------
data: mypubip5 westus Dynamic 4 "domain name"
data: myPublicIP eastus Dynamic 4 "domain name"
data: mytestpublicip eastus Dynamic 4 "domain name"
data: mytestpublicip1 eastus Static (Static IP address) 4
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Muestra las propiedades de la dirección IP pública de un recurso con IP pública dentro de un grupo de recursos.
azure network public-ip show -g myresourcegroup -n mytestpublicip
info: Executing command network public-ip show
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip
data: Name: mytestpublicip
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Allocation method: Static
data: Idle timeout: 4
data: IP Address: (static IP address)
data: Domain name label: azureclitest
data: FQDN:
info: network public-ip show command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public IP
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Elimina un recurso de dirección IP pública.
azure network public-ip delete -g group-1 -n mypublicipname
info: Executing command network public-ip delete
+ Looking up the public ip "mypublicipname"
Delete public ip address "mypublicipname"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting public ip address "mypublicipname"
info: network public-ip delete command OK
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public IP
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para administrar las interfaces de red
network nic create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Crea un recurso denominado interfaz de red (NIC) que puede utilizarse para equilibradores de carga o para asociarlo a una máquina virtual.
azure network nic create -g myresourcegroup -l eastus -n testnic1 --subnet-name subnet-1 --subnet-vnet-name myvnet
info: Executing command network nic create
+ Looking up the network interface "testnic1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet-1"
+ Creating network interface "testnic1"
+ Looking up the network interface "testnic1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/c4a17ddf-aa84-491c-b6f9-b90d882299f7/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/testnic1
data: Name: testnic1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: IP configurations:
data: Name: NIC-config
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Private IP address:
data: Private IP Allocation Method: Dynamic
data: Subnet: /subscriptions/c4a17ddf-aa84-491c-b6f9-b90d882299f7/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVNET/subnets/Subnet-1
Opciones de parámetro:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the network interface
-l, --location <location> the location
-w, --network-security-group-id <network-security-group-id> the network security group identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<nsg-name>
-o, --network-security-group-name <network-security-group-name> the network security group name.
This network security group must exist in the same resource group as the nic.
Please use network-security-group-id if that is not the case.
-i, --public-ip-id <public-ip-id> the public IP identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<public-ip-name>
-p, --public-ip-name <public-ip-name> the public IP name.
This public ip must exist in the same resource group as the nic.
Please use public-ip-id if that is not the case.
-a, --private-ip-address <private-ip-address> the private IP address
-u, --subnet-id <subnet-id> the subnet identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet-name>/subnets/<subnet-name>
--subnet-name <subnet-name> the subnet name
-m, --subnet-vnet-name <subnet-vnet-name> the vnet name under which subnet-name exists
-t, --tags <tags> the comma separated list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
info: network nic create command OK
network nic set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nic list [options] <resource-group>
network nic show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nic delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Comandos para administrar grupos de seguridad de red
network nsg create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
network nsg set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nsg list [options] <resource-group>
network nsg show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nsg delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Comandos para administrar reglas de grupos de seguridad de red
network nsg rule create [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule set [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule list [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name>
network nsg rule show [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule delete [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
Comandos para administrar perfiles del Administrador de tráfico
network traffic-manager profile create [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile list [options] <resource-group>
network traffic-manager profile show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile is-dns-available [options] <resource-group> <relative-dns-name>
Comandos para administrar extremos del Administrador de tráfico
network traffic-manager profile endpoint create [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name> <endpoint-location>
network traffic-manager profile endpoint set [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name>
network traffic-manager profile endpoint delete [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name>
Comandos para administrar puertas de enlace de redes virtuales
network gateway list [options] <resource-group>
Registros del proveedor de recursos
Enumerar los proveedores registrados actualmente en Resource Manager
provider list [options]
Mostrar detalles sobre el espacio de nombres de proveedor solicitado
provider show [options] <namespace>
Registrar el proveedor con la suscripción
provider register [options] <namespace>
Anular el registro del proveedor con la suscripción
provider unregister [options] <namespace>
Crea un recurso en un grupo de recursos.
resource create [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <location> <api-version>
Actualiza un recurso en un grupo de recursos sin parámetros ni plantillas.
resource set [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <properties> <api-version>
Enumera los recursos.
resource list [options] [resource-group]
Obtiene un recurso dentro de un grupo de recursos o la suscripción.
resource show [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <api-version>
Elimina un recurso en un grupo de recursos.
resource delete [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <api-version>
Roles de Azure
Obtener todas las definiciones de rol disponibles
role list [options]
Obtener una definición de rol disponible
role show [options] [name]
Comandos para administrar la asignación de su rol
role assignment create [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
role assignment list [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
role assignment delete [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
Objetos de almacenamiento
Comandos para administrar cuentas de Almacenamiento
storage account list [options]
storage account show [options] <name>
storage account create [options] <name>
storage account set [options] <name>
storage account delete [options] <name>
Comandos para administrar claves de cuentas de Almacenamiento
storage account keys list [options] <name>
storage account keys renew [options] <name>
Comandos para mostrar la cadena de conexión de Storage
storage account connectionstring show [options] <name>
Comandos para administrar contenedores de Almacenamiento
storage container list [options] [prefix]
storage container show [options] [container]
storage container create [options] [container]
storage container delete [options] [container]
storage container set [options] [container]
Comandos para administrar firmas de acceso compartido de su contenedor de almacenamiento
storage container sas create [options] [container] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para administrar políticas de acceso compartido de su contenedor de Almacenamiento
storage container policy create [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy show [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy list [options] [container]
storage container policy set [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy delete [options] [container] [name]
Comandos para administrar blobs de Almacenamiento
storage blob list [options] [container] [prefix]
storage blob show [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob delete [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob upload [options] [file] [container] [blob]
storage blob download [options] [container] [blob] [destination]
Comandos para administrar sus operaciones de copia de blobs
storage blob copy start [options] [sourceUri] [destContainer]
storage blob copy show [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob copy stop [options] [container] [blob] [copyid]
Comandos para administrar la firma de acceso compartido de su blob de Almacenamiento
storage blob sas create [options] [container] [blob] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para administrar sus archivos compartidos de Almacenamiento
storage share create [options] [share]
storage share show [options] [share]
storage share delete [options] [share]
storage share list [options] [prefix]
Comandos para administrar sus archivos de Storage
storage file list [options] [share] [path]
storage file delete [options] [share] [path]
storage file upload [options] [source] [share] [path]
storage file download [options] [share] [path] [destination]
Comandos para administrar su directorio de archivos de Almacenamiento
storage directory create [options] [share] [path]
storage directory delete [options] [share] [path]
Comandos para administrar sus colas de Almacenamiento
storage queue create [options] [queue]
storage queue list [options] [prefix]
storage queue show [options] [queue]
storage queue delete [options] [queue]
Comandos para administrar firmas de acceso compartido de su cola de Almacenamiento
storage queue sas create [options] [queue] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para administrar políticas de acceso compartido de su cola de Almacenamiento
storage queue policy create [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy show [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy list [options] [queue]
storage queue policy set [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy delete [options] [queue] [name]
Comandos para administrar propiedades de registro de Almacenamiento
storage logging show [options]
storage logging set [options]
Comandos para administrar propiedades de métricas de Almacenamiento
storage metrics show [options]
storage metrics set [options]
Comandos para administrar tablas de Almacenamiento
storage table create [options] [table]
storage table list [options] [prefix]
storage table show [options] [table]
storage table delete [options] [table]
Comandos para administrar firmas de acceso compartido de su tabla de Almacenamiento
storage table sas create [options] [table] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para administrar políticas de acceso compartido de su tabla de Almacenamiento
storage table policy create [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy show [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy list [options] [table]
storage table policy set [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy delete [options] [table] [name]
Agregar una etiqueta
tag create [options] <name> <value>
Quitar una etiqueta o un valor de etiqueta
tag delete [options] <name> <value>
Enumerar la información de la etiqueta
tag list [options]
Obtener una etiqueta
tag show [options] [name]
Virtual Machines
Crear una máquina virtual
vm create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>
Crear una máquina virtual con los recursos predeterminados
vm quick-create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type> <image-urn> <admin-username> <admin-password
A partir de CLI versión 0.10, puede proporcionar un alias corto como UbuntuLTS o Win2012R2Datacenter como image-urn
para algunas imágenes populares de Marketplace. Ejecute azure help vm quick-create
para ver las opciones. Además, desde la versión 0.10, azure vm quick-create
utiliza Almacenamiento premium de forma predeterminada, si está disponible en la región seleccionada.
Mostrar las máquinas virtuales dentro de una cuenta
vm list [options]
Obtener una máquina virtual en un grupo de recursos
vm show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Eliminar una máquina virtual en un grupo de recursos
vm delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Cerrar una máquina virtual en un grupo de recursos
vm stop [options] <resource-group> <name>
Reiniciar una máquina virtual en un grupo de recursos
vm restart [options] <resource-group> <name>
Iniciar una máquina virtual en un grupo de recursos
vm start [options] <resource-group> <name>
Cerrar una máquina virtual en un grupo de recursos y liberar recursos de proceso
vm deallocate [options] <resource-group> <name>
Enumerar los tamaños disponibles de máquina virtual
vm sizes [options]
Capturar la máquina virtual como imagen del sistema operativo o como imagen de VM
vm capture [options] <resource-group> <name> <vhd-name-prefix>
Establecer el estado de la máquina virtual como Generalized
vm generalize [options] <resource-group> <name>
Obtener la vista de instancia de la máquina virtual
vm get-instance-view [options] <resource-group> <name>
Restablecer la configuración de acceso de escritorio remoto o SSH en una máquina virtual y restablecer la contraseña para la cuenta que tiene como administrador o autoridad sudo
vm reset-access [options] <resource-group> <name>
Actualizar la máquina virtual con nuevos datos
vm set [options] <resource-group> <name>
Comandos para administrar discos de datos de máquinas virtuales
vm disk attach-new [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <size-in-gb> [vhd-name]
vm disk detach [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <lun>
vm disk attach [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> [vhd-url]
Comandos para administrar las extensiones de recursos de máquina virtual
vm extension set [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <name> <publisher-name> <version>
vm extension get [options] <resource-group> <vm-name>
Comandos para administrar sus máquinas virtuales Docker
vm docker create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>
Comandos para administrar imágenes de máquina virtual
vm image list-publishers [options] <location>
vm image list-offers [options] <location> <publisher>
vm image list-skus [options] <location> <publisher> <offer>
vm image list [options] <location> <publisher> [offer] [sku]