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Server script example how tos


Topics in this section include code examples that show you how to perform various operations in a JavaScript backend using scripts registered with Microsoft Azure Mobile Services. These same examples are available in the help in the Azure Management Portal.

How to topics by task

This section contains examples that show you how to perform the following tasks using server scripts:

How to topics by scripting object

This section contains topics that demonstrate how to use the following server script objects:



console object

Error handling

Script debugging

mssql object

Send push notification

push object

Send push notification

query object

Authorize user

Modify the response

request object

Modify the response

Restrict access to admins

statusCodes object

Validate data

table object


tables object

Read and write data

user object

Authorize user

Restrict access to admins

In this section

Modify the request

Modify the response

Validate data

Read and write data

Authorize user

Send push notification

Send HTTP request

Error handling

Script debugging

Restrict access to admins

See Also

Mobile Services JavaScript (Node.js) backend library
Mobile Services
How to: Register scripts on the server