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Important Information About Signing Key Rollover in Azure AD


This topic discusses what you need to know about the public keys that are used in Azure AD to sign security tokens. It is important to note that these keys rollover on a 6 week schedule. In an emergency, a key could be changed much sooner than 6 weeks. All applications that use Azure AD should be able to programmatically handle the key rollover process. Continue reading to understand how the keys work, and how to update your application to handle key rollover.

  • Overview of Signing Keys in Azure AD

  • How to Update your Application with Key Rollover Logic

    • Web Applications Created with Visual Studio 2013

    • Web Applications Created with Visual Studio 2012

    • Web Applications Created with Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 and Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) v. 1.0 for .NET 3.5

    • Web APIs that use JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

  • Manually Retrieve the Latest Key and Update Your Application

Overview of Signing Keys in Azure AD

Azure AD uses public-key cryptography built on industry standards to establish trust between itself and the applications that use it. In practical terms, this works in the following way: Azure AD uses a signing key that consists of a public and private key pair. When a user signs in to an application that uses Azure AD for authentication, Azure AD creates a security token that contains information about the user. This token is signed by Azure AD using its private key before it is sent back to the application. To verify that the token is valid and actually originated from Azure AD, the application must validate the token’s signature using the public key exposed by Azure AD that is contained in the tenant’s federation metadata document. This public key – and the signing key from which it derives – is the same one used for all tenants in Azure AD.

For security purposes, Azure AD’s public key rolls on a 6 week interval. In the case of an emergency, the key could rollover much sooner than 6 weeks. Any application that integrates with Azure AD should be prepared to handle a key rollover event no matter how frequently it may occur. Depending on when you created your application and what authentication library it was built with, your application may or may not have the necessary logic to handle key rollover. If it doesn’t, and your application attempts to use an expired public key to verify the signature on a token, the sign-in request will fail.

Because a key may be rolled at any moment, there is always more than one valid public key available in the federation metadata document. Your application should be prepared to use any of the keys specified in the document, since one key may be rolled soon, another may be its replacement, and so forth. It is recommended that your application cache these keys in a database or a configuration file to increase the efficiency of communicating with Azure AD during the sign-in process and to quickly validate a token using a different key.

The following section covers the common scenarios and how to update your application.

How to Update your Application with Key Rollover Logic

How your application handles key rollover depends on variables such as what identity framework was used, the framework version, or type of application. Each section below will show you how to update the most common application types and configurations. You can also follow the steps to make sure the logic is working properly. There are four common application types that are covered in the following sections, and all other scenarios are covered by following the steps in Manually Retrieve the Latest Key and Update Your Application.

Web Applications Created with Visual Studio 2013

If your application was built using a web application template in Visual Studio 2013 and you selected Organizational Accounts from the Change Authentication menu, it already has the necessary logic to handle key rollover. This logic stores your organization’s unique identifier and the signing key information in two database tables associated with the project. You can find the connection string for the database in the project’s Web.config file.

If you added authentication to your solution manually, your application does not have the necessary key rollover logic. You will need to write it yourself, or follow the steps in Manually Retrieve the Latest Key and Update Your Application.

The following steps will help you verify that the logic is working properly in your application.

How to verify the key rollover logic is working properly

  1. In Visual Studio 2013, open the solution, and then click on the Server Explorer tab on the right window.

  2. Expand Data Connections, DefaultConnection, and then Tables. Locate the IssuingAuthorityKeys table, right-click it, and then click Show Table Data.

  3. In the IssuingAuthorityKeys table, there will be at least one row, which corresponds to the thumbprint value for the key. Delete any rows in the table.

  4. Right-click the Tenants table, and then click Show Table Data.

  5. In the Tenants table, there will be at least one row, which corresponds to a unique directory tenant identifier. Delete any rows in the table.


    It’s important that you not only delete the rows in the IssuingAuthorityKeys table, but also the rows in the Tenants table, as both values are used to retrieve the latest federation metadata document. If you don’t delete both, you’ll get an error at runtime.

  6. Build and run the application. After you have logged in to your account, you can stop the application.

  7. Return to the Server Explorer and look at the values in the IssuingAuthorityKeys and Tenants table. You’ll notice that they have been automatically repopulated with the appropriate information from the federation metadata document.

Web Applications Created with Visual Studio 2012

If your application was built in Visual Studio 2012, you probably used the Identity and Access Tool to configure your application. It’s also likely that you are using the Validating Issuer Name Registry (VINR). The VINR is responsible for maintaining information about trusted identity providers (Azure AD) and the keys used to validate tokens issued by them. The VINR also makes it easy to automatically update the key information stored in a Web.config file by downloading the latest federation metadata document associated with your directory, checking if the configuration is out of date with the latest document, and updating the application to use the new key as necessary.

If you created your application using any of the code samples or walkthrough documentation provided by Microsoft, the key rollover logic is already included in your project. You will notice that the code below already exists in your project. If your application does not already have this logic, follow the steps below to add it and to verify that it’s working correctly.


These steps will not work if you did not use the Identity and Access Tool and instead configured your application manually. You will need to write it yourself, or follow the steps in Manually Retrieve the Latest Key and Update Your Application.

How to update your application with key rollover logic

  1. In Solution Explorer, add a reference to the System.IdentityModel assembly for the appropriate project.

  2. Open the Global.asax.cs file and add the following using directives:

    using System.Configuration;
    using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;
  3. Add the following method to the Global.asax.cs file:

    protected void RefreshValidationSettings()
        string configPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\" + "Web.config";
        string metadataAddress = 
        ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry.WriteToConfig(metadataAddress, configPath);
  4. Invoke the RefreshValidationSettings() method in the Application_Start() method in Global.asax.cs as shown:

    protected void Application_Start()

Once you have followed these steps, your application’s Web.config will be updated with the latest information from the federation metadata document, including the latest keys. This update will occur every time your application pool recycles in IIS; by default IIS is set to recycle applications every 29 hours. For more context about this update, see Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Azure AD.

How to verify the key rollover logic is working

  1. After you have verified that your application is using the code above, open the Web.config file and navigate to the <issuerNameRegistry> block, specifically looking for the following few lines:

    <issuerNameRegistry type="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry, System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry">
            <authority name="">
                <add thumbprint="3A38FA984E8560F19AADC9F86FE9594BB6AD049B" />
  2. In the <add thumbprint=””> setting, change the thumbprint value by replacing any character with a different one. Save the Web.config file.

  3. Build the application, and then run it. If you can complete the sign-in process, your application is successfully updating the key by downloading the required information from your directory’s federation metadata document. If you are having issues signing in, ensure the changes in your application are correct by reading the Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Azure AD topic, or downloading and inspecting the following code sample: Multi-Tenant Cloud Application for Azure Active Directory.

Web Applications Created with Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 and Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) v. 1.0 for .NET 3.5

If you built an application on WIF v1.0, there is no provided mechanism to automatically refresh your application’s configuration to use a new key. The easiest way to update the key is to use the FedUtil tooling included in the WIF SDK, which can retrieve the latest metadata document and update your configuration. These instructions are included below. Alternatively, you can do one of the following:

  • Follow the instructions in the Manually Retrieve the Latest Key and Update Your Application section below and write logic to perform the steps programmatically.

  • Update your application to .NET 4.5, which includes the newest version of WIF located in the System namespace. You can then use the Validating Issuer Name Registry (VINR) to perform automatic updates of the application’s configuration.

How to update your application using the WIF v1.0 SDK tooling

  1. Verify that you have the WIF v1.0 SDK installed on your development machine for Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. You can download it from here if you have not yet installed it.

  2. In Visual Studio, open the solution, and then right-click the applicable project and select Update federation metadata. If this option is not available, FedUtil and/or the WIF v1.0 SDK has not been installed.

  3. From the prompt, select Update to begin updating your federation metadata. If you have access to the server environment where the application is hosted, you can optionally use FedUtil’s automatic metadata update scheduler.

  4. Click Finish to complete the update process.

Web APIs that use JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

If you have an application that calls a web API using a JWT token issued by Azure AD to authorize the request, the JWT token is validated in the same way that a sign-on request is validated: using Azure AD’s public key to verify the signature. Web API applications need to be prepared to handle key rollover because they ultimately use the same X509 certificate to sign the token.

If you created a web API application in Visual Studio 2013 using the Web API template, and then selected Organizational Accounts from the Change Authentication menu, you already have the necessary logic in your application. If you manually configured authentication, follow the instructions below to learn how to configure your Web API to automatically update its key information.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to get the latest keys from the federation metadata document, and then use the JWT Token Handler to validate the token. The code snippet assumes that you will use your own caching mechanism for persisting the key to validate future tokens from Azure AD, whether it be in a database, configuration file, or elsewhere.

System_CAPS_security Security Note

The following snippet is intended for demonstration purposes. You should understand the security implications of disabling certificate validation, exposing potentially sensitive exception errors, secure mechanisms for caching tokens, and so on.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Xml;
using System.IdentityModel.Metadata;
using System.ServiceModel.Security;
using System.Threading;

namespace JWTValidation
    public class JWTValidator
        private string MetadataAddress = "[Your Federation Metadata document address goes here]";

        // Validates the JWT Token that's part of the Authorization header in an HTTP request.
        public void ValidateJwtToken(string token)
            JwtSecurityTokenHandler tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler()
                // Do not disable for production code
                CertificateValidator = X509CertificateValidator.None

            TokenValidationParameters validationParams = new TokenValidationParameters()
                AllowedAudience = "[Your App ID URI goes here, as registered in the Azure Management Portal]",
                ValidIssuer = "[The issuer for the token goes here, such as]",
                SigningTokens = GetSigningCertificates(MetadataAddress)

                // Cache the signing tokens by your desired mechanism

            Thread.CurrentPrincipal = tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token, validationParams);

        // Returns a list of certificates from the specified metadata document.
        public List<X509SecurityToken> GetSigningCertificates(string metadataAddress)
            List<X509SecurityToken> tokens = new List<X509SecurityToken>();

            if (metadataAddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(metadataAddress);

            using (XmlReader metadataReader = XmlReader.Create(metadataAddress))
                MetadataSerializer serializer = new MetadataSerializer()
                    // Do not disable for production code
                    CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.None

                EntityDescriptor metadata = serializer.ReadMetadata(metadataReader) as EntityDescriptor;

                if (metadata != null)
                    SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor stsd = metadata.RoleDescriptors.OfType<SecurityTokenServiceDescriptor>().First();

                    if (stsd != null)
                        IEnumerable<X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause> x509DataClauses = stsd.Keys.Where(key => key.KeyInfo != null && (key.Use == KeyType.Signing || key.Use == KeyType.Unspecified)).
                                                             Select(key => key.KeyInfo.OfType<X509RawDataKeyIdentifierClause>().First());

                        tokens.AddRange(x509DataClauses.Select(token => new X509SecurityToken(new X509Certificate2(token.GetX509RawData()))));
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no RoleDescriptor of type SecurityTokenServiceType in the metadata");
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Federation Metadata document");
            return tokens;

Manually Retrieve the Latest Key and Update Your Application

If your application type or platform does not currently support an automatic mechanism for updating the key, you can perform the following steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to, sign in to your account, and then click on the Active Directory icon from the left menu.

  2. Click on the directory where your application is registered, and then click on the View Endpoints link on the command bar.

  3. From the list of single sign-on and directory endpoints, copy the Federation Metadata Document link.

  4. Open a new tab in your browser, and go to the URL that you just copied. You will see the contents of the Federation Metadata XML document. For more information about this document, see the Federation Metadata topic.

  5. For the purposes of updating an application to use a new key, locate each <RoleDescriptor> block, and then copy the value of each block’s <X509Certificate> element. For example:

    <RoleDescriptor xmlns:fed="" xmlns:xsi="" protocolSupportEnumeration="" xsi:type="fed:SecurityTokenServiceType">
          <KeyDescriptor use="signing">
                <KeyInfo xmlns="">


    It’s important that you record each certificate value in the metadata document, as one key may be expiring soon, another may be its replacement, and so on. For more information see the section above: Overview of Signing Keys in Azure AD

  6. After you’ve copied the value of the <X509Certificate> element, open a plain text editor and paste the value. Make sure that you remove any trailing whitespace, and then save the file with a .cer extension.

You’ve just created the X509 certificate that is used as the public key for Azure AD. Using the details of the certificate, such as its thumbprint and expiration date, you can manually or programmatically check that your application’s currently used certificate and thumbprint are valid.

See Also

Federation Metadata
Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Authentication Protocols