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Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


This structure sets members for the SHCreateMenuBar function.


Beginning with Windows Mobile 6.5.3, soft keys are replaced by touchable tiles on Windows Mobile Professional phones.


typedef struct tagSHMENUBARINFO {
  DWORD cbSize;
  HWND hwndParent;
  DWORD dwFlags;
  UINT nToolBarId;
  int nBmpId;
  int cBmpImages;
  HWND hwndMB;


  • cbSize
    Size of SHMENUBARINFO structure.
  • hwndParent
    Handle to the window to control the command bar window.
  • dwFlags
    Specifies the properties of the menu bar. The following table shows the possible values for this member.

    Flag Description


    Sets the background color value for the menu bar.


    Applies to Windows Mobile 6.5.3

    Enables the display of custom icons (specifically for describing the default or pressed tile state) within the touchable tiles in the menu bar. The bitmap icons are loaded from the strip bitmap that corresponds to the resource bitmap ID provided in the SHMENUBARINFO.nBmpId field.

    Note   This flag is supported only for Windows Mobile Professional.


    Creates an empty menu bar.


    Creates the menu bar initially hidden.


    Specifies an hmenu value for a resource rather than for toolbar information.


    Creates the menu bar with no Input Panel button.

    Note   This flag is supported only for Windows Mobile.


    Applies to Windows Mobile 6.5.3

    Enables the display of custom icons (specifically for describing the disabled tile state) within the touchable tiles in the menu bar. This flag is only valid if SHCMBF_SOFTKEYICONS is also set. The bitmap icons are loaded from the strip bitmap that corresponds to the resource bitmap ID provided in the SHMENUBARINFO.nBmpId field plus one (i.e., if nBmpId is 200, then the disable resource bitmap ID used to load the bitmap would be interpreted as 201).

    Note   This flag is supported only for Windows Mobile Professional.


    Applies to Windows Mobile 6.5.3

    Enables the display of theme-specific icons within the touchable tiles (buttons) in the menu bar.

    Note   This flag is supported only for Windows Mobile Professional.

  • nToolBarId
    If SHCMBF_HMENU is not set, nToolBarId is a toolbar identifier used to load the resource from the instance specified by hInstRes.

    If SHCMBF_HMENU is set, nToolBarId is a menu identifier used to load the resource from the instance specified by hInstRes. Additionally, if this identifier is used for soft key creation and the HIWORD is zero, it directly represents an hmenu already loaded in memory.

  • hInstRes
    Instance handle that controls the resources.
  • nBmpId
    Bitmap identifier used to load the bitmap resource for buttons with images from the instance specified by hInstRes. This bitmap should have the same format as bitmaps used in ImageList functions. This member should be set to NULL if the creation of soft keys is intentional.
  • cBmpImages
    Number of images in the bitmap referred to by nBmpId. This member should be set to NULL if the creation of soft keys is intentional.
  • hwndMB
    Window handle to the menu bar.
  • clrBk
    Defines the background color of the menu bar, excluding the software input panel (SIP).


Header aygshell.h
Library aygshell.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2000 and later, Smartphone 2002 and later