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Pocket Outlook Object Model Reference

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


The Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM) API provides access to Personal Information Manager (PIM) data on Windows® phones. It mirrors the desktop version of the Outlook Object Model, yet it has a smaller scope of functionality. POOM is a COM-based type library that provides an objectoriented framework for creating, modifying, and displaying IAppointment, ITask, and IContact items—and for manipulating the folders that contain them.

POOM began shipping on mobile devices running the Pocket PC 2000 and Smartphone 2002 platforms. POOM for Windows Mobile is also known as POOM2. It is an extension of the version of POOM that ships with Windows Embedded CE (also known as POOM1). For information on POOM1, see this Microsoft Web site.

In This Section

The following members are included in the POOM API.

  • Pocket Outlook Object Model Enumerations
    Contains detailed information about each of the POOM enumerations: OlBusyStatus, OlDaysOfWeek, OlDefaultFolders, OlImportance, OlItemType, OlMeetingStatus, OlRecurrenceType, OlReminderOptions, and OlSensitivity.
  • Pocket Outlook Object Model Interfaces
    Contains detailed information about the POOM interfaces: IAppointment, IContact, IException, IExceptions, IFolder, IPOlItems, IPOlRecipient, IPOutlookApp, IPOutlookItemCollection, IRecipient, IRecipients, IRecurrencePattern, ITask, ITimeZone.
  • Pocket Outlook Object Model Flags
    Contains details about POOM flags—divided into the following groups: Contact Chooser, Drawing State, GetIDsFromNames, Notification, Source Provider Customization Type, and Source Provider PIM Type Ownership.
  • Messaging
    Learn about the Windows Mobile messaging subsystem, which allows mobile devices to be used for sending, receiving, storing, and manipulating, e-mail and SMS messages.