Databases Solution Samples
These Solution samples illustrate application development tasks you can perform with databases.
In This Section
Create a Default Unique ID Value for a Field Sample
Illustrates how to use a stored procedure in a database to provide a default primary key value.Create Small Indexes Using BINTOC( ) Sample
Illustrates how to use various indexing schemes using numeric and integer data types to reduce index size and disk space.Index on Expressions Sample
Illustrates several options you can consider when using a character field to represent a unique ID, often comprised of numeric data.Nest Transactions Sample
Illustrates beginning, ending, and rolling back transactions.Programmatically Check Table Properties Sample
Illustrates how to retrieve information about a table at run time.Sort or Order a Table at Run Time Sample
Illustrates how to change the order in which table records are listed.Use DBC Events Sample
Illustrates how database events make it possible for you to perform actions when a database and its objects are opened, accessed, or manipulated.
Sample Class Libraries
Contains sample class libraries that provide encapsulated functionality you can add to your applications.Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z
Describes Visual FoxPro Foundation classes you can use for rapid application development.Reference (Visual FoxPro)
Includes Visual FoxPro general, programming language, user interface, and error message reference topics.
Related Sections
Solution Samples
Contains samples that demonstrate particular features of Visual FoxPro and can be run independently.Foundation Class Samples
Contains samples that illustrate use of the Visual FoxPro Foundation classes.Server Samples (Visual FoxPro)
Contains samples that illustrate Automation Servers.Walkthroughs
Provides step-by-step instructions for common scenarios, making them a good place to begin learning about the various features of Visual FoxPro.