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LOGPEN Structure


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The latest version of this topic can be found at LOGPEN Structure.

The LOGPEN structure defines the style, width, and color of a pen, a drawing object used to draw lines and borders. The CPen::CreatePenIndirect function uses the LOGPEN structure.


typedef struct tagLOGPEN {  /* lgpn */  
    UINT lopnStyle;  
    POINT lopnWidth;  
    COLORREF lopnColor;  


Specifies the pen type. This member can be one of the following values:

  • PS_SOLID Creates a solid pen.

  • PS_DASH Creates a dashed pen. (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)

  • PS_DOT Creates a dotted pen. (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)

  • PS_DASHDOT Creates a pen with alternating dashes and dots. (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)

  • PS_DASHDOTDOT Creates a pen with alternating dashes and double dots. (Valid only when the pen width is 1.)

  • PS_NULL Creates a null pen.

  • PS_INSIDEFRAME Creates a pen that draws a line inside the frame of closed shapes produced by GDI output functions that specify a bounding rectangle (for example, the Ellipse, Rectangle, RoundRect, Pie, and Chord member functions). When this style is used with GDI output functions that do not specify a bounding rectangle (for example, the LineTo member function), the drawing area of the pen is not limited by a frame.

    If a pen has the PS_INSIDEFRAME style and a color that does not match a color in the logical color table, the pen is drawn with a dithered color. The PS_SOLID pen style cannot be used to create a pen with a dithered color. The PS_INSIDEFRAME style is identical to PS_SOLID if the pen width is less than or equal to 1.

    When the PS_INSIDEFRAME style is used with GDI objects produced by functions other than Ellipse, Rectangle, and RoundRect, the line may not be completely inside the specified frame.

Specifies the pen width, in logical units. If the lopnWidth member is 0, the pen is 1 pixel wide on raster devices regardless of the current mapping mode.

Specifies the pen color.


The y value in the POINT structure for the lopnWidth member is not used.


Header: wingdi.h

See Also

Structures, Styles, Callbacks, and Message Maps