Microsoft Azure PowerShell: cmdlets de MobileNetwork
Deploy-AzMobileNetworkReinstallPacketCoreControlPlane |
Reinstall the specified packet core control plane. This action will remove any transaction state from the packet core to return it to a known state. This action will cause a service outage. |
Deploy-AzMobileNetworkRollbackPacketCoreControlPlane |
Roll back the specified packet core control plane to the previous version, "rollbackVersion". Multiple consecutive rollbacks are not possible. This action may cause a service outage. |
Get-AzMobileNetwork |
Gets information about the specified mobile network. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkAttachedDataNetwork |
Gets information about the specified attached data network. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkDataNetwork |
Gets information about the specified data network. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreControlPlane |
Gets information about the specified packet core control plane. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreControlPlaneVersion |
Gets information about the specified packet core control plane version. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlane |
Gets information about the specified packet core data plane. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkService |
Gets information about the specified service. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkSim |
Gets information about the specified SIM. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkSimGroup |
Gets information about the specified SIM group. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkSimPolicy |
Gets information about the specified SIM policy. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkSite |
Gets information about the specified mobile network site. |
Get-AzMobileNetworkSlice |
Gets information about the specified network slice. |
New-AzMobileNetwork |
Creates or updates a mobile network. |
New-AzMobileNetworkAttachedDataNetwork |
Creates or updates an attached data network. Must be created in the same location as its parent packet core data plane. |
New-AzMobileNetworkDataNetwork |
Creates or updates a data network. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network. |
New-AzMobileNetworkDataNetworkConfigurationObject |
Create an in-memory object for DataNetworkConfiguration. |
New-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreControlPlane |
Creates or updates a packet core control plane. |
New-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlane |
Creates or updates a packet core data plane. Must be created in the same location as its parent packet core control plane. |
New-AzMobileNetworkPccRuleConfigurationObject |
Create an in-memory object for PccRuleConfiguration. |
New-AzMobileNetworkService |
Creates or updates a service. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network. |
New-AzMobileNetworkServiceDataFlowTemplateObject |
Create an in-memory object for ServiceDataFlowTemplate. |
New-AzMobileNetworkServiceResourceIdObject |
Create an in-memory object for ServiceResourceId. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSim |
Creates or updates a SIM. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSimGroup |
Creates or updates a SIM group. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSimPolicy |
Creates or updates a SIM policy. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSimStaticIPPropertiesObject |
Create an in-memory object for SimStaticIPProperties. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSite |
Creates or updates a mobile network site. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSiteResourceIdObject |
Create an in-memory object for SiteResourceId. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSlice |
Creates or updates a network slice. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network. |
New-AzMobileNetworkSliceConfigurationObject |
Create an in-memory object for SliceConfiguration. |
Remove-AzMobileNetwork |
Deletes the specified mobile network. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkAttachedDataNetwork |
Deletes the specified attached data network. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkBulkSimDelete |
Bulk delete SIMs from a SIM group. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkDataNetwork |
Deletes the specified data network. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreControlPlane |
Deletes the specified packet core control plane. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlane |
Deletes the specified packet core data plane. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkService |
Deletes the specified service. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkSim |
Deletes the specified SIM. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkSimGroup |
Deletes the specified SIM group. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkSimPolicy |
Deletes the specified SIM policy. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkSite |
Deletes the specified mobile network site. This will also delete any network functions that are a part of this site. |
Remove-AzMobileNetworkSlice |
Deletes the specified network slice. |
Trace-AzMobileNetworkCollectPacketCoreControlPlaneDiagnosticPackage |
Collect a diagnostics package for the specified packet core control plane. This action will upload the diagnostics to a storage account. |
Update-AzMobileNetwork |
Updates mobile network tags. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkAttachedDataNetwork |
Updates an attached data network. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkBulkSimUpload |
Bulk upload SIMs to a SIM group. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkBulkSimUploadEncrypted |
Bulk upload SIMs in encrypted form to a SIM group. The SIM credentials must be encrypted. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkDataNetwork |
Updates data network. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreControlPlane |
Updates packet core control planes. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkPacketCoreDataPlane |
Updates packet core data planes. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkService |
Updates service. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkSimGroup |
Updates SIM group. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkSimPolicy |
Updates SIM policy. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkSite |
Updates site tags. |
Update-AzMobileNetworkSlice |
Updates slice. |