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OwnershipTypes EnumType

Specifies the type of ownership for an entity.


Members define the discrete options for the enumeration type.

Name Value Description
None 0 The entity does not have an owner.
UserOwned 1 The entity is owned by a system user.
TeamOwned 2 The entity is owned by a team. For internal use only.
BusinessOwned 4 The entity is owned by a business unit. For internal use only.
OrganizationOwned 8 The entity is owned by an organization.
BusinessParented 16 The entity is parented by a business unit. For internal use only.
Filtered 32 The entity does not have an owner. The data access privilege is based on a filter.

Used by

The following use the OwnershipTypes EnumType.

Name How used
EntityMetadata OwnershipType Property
ComplexEntityMetadata OwnershipType Property

See also