Web API Complex Type Reference
ComplexTypes represent structured data that doesn't have a key. Complex types are frequently returned as a response from using an Action or Function.
In this section
Name | Description |
AddComponentsToSolutionAsyncResponse | |
AddComponentToSolutionAsyncResponse | |
AddComponentToSolutionParameters | |
AddComponentToSolutionParametersCollection | |
AddSolutionComponentResponse | Contains the response from the AddSolutionComponent action. |
AddToQueueResponse | Contains the response from the AddToQueue action. |
AddUserToRecordTeamResponse | Contains the response from the AddUserToRecordTeam action. |
AIClassifyResponse | Contains the response from the AIClassify action. |
AIExtractResponse | Contains the response from the AIExtract action. |
AIReplyResponse | Contains the response from the AIReply action. |
AISentimentResponse | Contains the response from the AISentiment action. |
AISummarizeRecordResponse | Contains the response from the AISummarizeRecord action. |
AISummarizeResponse | Contains the response from the AISummarize action. |
AITranslateResponse | Contains the response from the AITranslate action. |
AlmHandlerResponse | Contains the response from the AlmHandler action. |
AnalyticsStoreDetails | Contains information about the analytics storage container. |
AnalyzeResponse | Contains the response from the Analyze action. |
AnalyzeSentimentResponse | Contains the response from the AnalyzeSentiment action. |
ApplicationBasedAccessControlAuditDetail | |
AppointmentProposal | Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the Search function. |
AppointmentRequest | Provides the details of an appointment request for the Search function. |
AppointmentsToIgnore | Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request from the Search function. |
AppValidationResponse | The response from App validation. |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | Defines how the associated records are displayed for an entity relationship. |
AttributeAuditDetail | Contains the details of changes to entity attributes. |
AttributeMapping | For internal use only. |
AttributePrivilege | Specifies the field level security privileges allowed for an attribute. |
AttributeQueryExpression | Contains query to retrieve attribute metadata for entities retrieved using EntityQueryExpression ComplexType. |
AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty | Represents the data to define a RequiredLevel property for an attribute. |
AttributeTypeDisplayName | Provides a list of types of attributes used by AttributeMetadata.AttributeTypeName |
AuditDetail | Provides a base type for storing the details of data changes. |
AuditDetailCollection | Contains a collection of AuditDetail ComplexType variables. |
AuditPartitionDetail | Identifies a Microsoft SQL Server partition that is used to store changes to entity data records. |
AuditStorageDetails | Contains audit storage details for a specific table. |
AuditStorageDetailsResult | Contains status of operation and AuditStorageDetails dictionary. |
BackgroundSendEmailResponse | Contains the response from BackgroundSendEmail action. |
BatchGetFlowMachineStatusResponse | Contains the response from the BatchGetFlowMachineStatus action. |
BatchPredictionResponse | Contains the response from the BatchPrediction action. |
BookResponse | Contains the response from the Book action. |
BooleanManagedProperty | Defines a managed property that stores a Boolean value. |
BulkDeleteResponse | The response from the BulkDelete Action. |
BulkDetectDuplicatesResponse | The response from the BulkDetectDuplicates Action. |
BulkRemoveActiveCustomizationsAsyncResponse | |
BulkRemoveActiveCustomizationsParameters | |
BulkRetainResponse | Contains the response from the BulkRetain action. |
BusinessNotification | For internal use only |
BusinessNotificationParameter | For internal use only. |
CanBeReferencedResponse | Contains the response from the CanBeReferenced action. |
CanBeReferencingResponse | Contains the response from the CanBeReferencing action |
CancelTrainingResponse | Contains the response from the CancelTraining action. |
CanManyToManyResponse | Contains the response from the CanManyToMany action. |
CardCreateCloneResponse | The response from the CardCreateClone action. |
CardGetFullJsonResponse | The response from the CardGetFullJson Action. |
CascadeConfiguration | Contains properties representing actions that may be performed on the referenced entity in a one-to-many entity relationship. |
CategorizeTextResponse | Contains the response from the CategorizeText action |
CheckIncomingEmailResponse | Contains the response from the CheckIncomingEmail function. |
CheckPromoteEmailResponse | Contains the response from the CheckPromoteEmail function. |
ClearWorkQueueResponse | Contains the response from the ClearWorkQueue action. |
CloneAsPatchResponse | Contains the response from the CloneAsPatch action. |
CloneAsSolutionResponse | Contains the response from the CloneAsSolution action. |
Collection_Int32_String | Represents a dictionary of Int32 and string values |
Collection_String_AuditStorageDetails | Dictionary with table logical name and Audit Storage Details |
Collection_String_String | Represents a dictionary of string and string values |
ColumnSet | Specifies the attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query. |
CommitAnnotationBlocksUploadResponse | Contains the response from the CommitAnnotationBlocksUpload action. |
CommitAttachmentBlocksUploadResponse | Contains the response from the CommitAttachmentBlocksUpload action. |
CommitFileBlocksUploadResponse | Contains the response from the CommitFileBlocksUpload action |
ComplexAttributeMetadata | Contains the metadata for a complex attribute. |
ComplexBigIntAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a BigInt column. |
ComplexBooleanAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a Boolean column. |
ComplexBooleanOptionSetMetadata | Contains the options for a Boolean column. |
ComplexDateTimeAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a DateTime column. |
ComplexDecimalAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a Decimal column. |
ComplexDoubleAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a Double column. |
ComplexEntityKeyMetadata | Contains the metadata for a complex entity key. |
ComplexEntityMetadata | Contains the metadata for a complex entity. |
ComplexEnumAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a column that provides choices. |
ComplexFileAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a File column. |
ComplexImageAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for an Image column. |
ComplexIntegerAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a Integer column. |
ComplexLookupAttributeMetadata | The definition of a lookup attribute passed to the CreateCustomerRelationships Action Lookup parameter. |
ComplexManagedPropertyAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a ManagedProperty column. |
ComplexManyToManyRelationshipMetadata | Contains the metadata for a many-to-many entity relationship. |
ComplexMemoAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a Memo column. |
ComplexMoneyAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a Money column. |
ComplexOneToManyRelationshipMetadata | Contains the metadata for a one-to-many entity relationship. |
ComplexOptionSetMetadata | Defines a set of options. |
ComplexStringAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for a String column. |
ComplexUniqueIdentifierAttributeMetadata | Contains the definition for an UniqueIdentifier column. |
Component | Contains a collection of components. |
ComponentDetail | Provides additional information about the solution components that are related to a missing component. |
ComponentPrincipalAccess | For internal use only. |
ConditionExpression | An expression used to filter the results of the query. |
ConstraintRelation | Specifies additional constraints to be applied when you select resources for appointments. |
CreateCustomerRelationshipsResponse | The response from the CreateCustomerRelationships Action. |
CreateExceptionResponse | Contains the response from the CreateException action. |
CreateFlowCredentialApplicationResponse | Contains the response from the CreateFlowCredentialApplication action |
CreateFlowMachineNetworkResponse | Contains the response from the CreateFlowMachineNetwork action |
CreateHostedFlowMachineGroupResponse | Contains the response from the CreateHostedFlowMachineGroup action. |
CreateInstanceResponse | Contains the response from the CreateInstance action. |
CreateMultipleResponse | Contains the response from the CreateMultiple action. |
CreatePolymorphicLookupAttributeResponse | Contains the response from the CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute action |
CreateRoleWithPrivilegeCheckerRunResponse | |
CreateRpaBoxResponse | The response from the CreateRpaBox action |
CreateVirtualConnectorTableMetadata | |
CreateVirtualConnectorTableResponse | |
DateTimeBehavior | Specifies the behavior of a DateTimeAttributeMetadata attribute using the DateTimeBehavior property. |
DeleteAndPromoteAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the DeleteAndPromoteAsync action. |
DeleteAndPromoteResponse | Contains the response from the DeleteAndPromote action. |
DeleteAuditDataResponse | Contains the response from the DeleteAuditData action. |
DeletedMetadataCollection | Contains deleted metadata. |
DeleteRecordChangeHistoryResponse | The response for the DeleteRecordChangeHistory action. |
DetectLanguageResponse | Contains the response from the DetectLanguage action. |
DiscoverFabricAISkillsResponse | Contains the response from the DiscoverFabricAISkills action. |
DiscoverFabricWorkspacesResponse | Contains the response from the DiscoverFabricWorkspaces action |
DownloadBlockResponse | Contains the response from the DownloadBlock action |
DownloadReportDefinitionResponse | Contains the response from the DownloadReportDefinition function. |
DownloadSolutionExportDataResponse | Contains the response from the DownloadSolutionExportData action. |
EndpointCollection | A collection of service endpoints. |
EntityKeyQueryExpression | Contains the details of retrieved entity keys. |
EntityQueryExpression | Query expression for the tables to return. |
EntityRecordCountCollection | The collection of results for the RetrieveTotalRecordCount Function. |
EntitySetting | For internal use only. |
ErrorInfo | Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or Reschedule action. |
ExpandCalendarResponse | Contains the response from the ExpandCalendar function. |
ExportComponentDetails | For internal use only. |
ExportComponentsParams | For internal use only. |
ExportFieldTranslationResponse | Contains the response from the ExportFieldTranslation function. |
ExportMappingsImportMapResponse | The response from the ExportMappingsImportMap action. |
ExportRetainedDataResponse | Contains the response from the ExportRetainedData action. |
ExportSolutionAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the ExportSolutionAsync action. |
ExportSolutionResponse | Contains the response from the ExportSolution action. |
ExportTranslationResponse | Contains the response from the ExportTranslation action. |
ExtractKeyPhrasesResponse | Contains the response from the ExtractKeyPhrases action. |
ExtractTextEntitiesResponse | Contains the response from the ExtractTextEntities action. |
FetchExpression | Contains a query expressed in FetchXML. |
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse | The response from the FetchXmlToQueryExpression Action. |
FileSasUrlResponse | Contains data about a shared access signature (SAS) file |
FilterExpression | Specifies complex condition and logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of the query. |
FormatAddressResponse | Contains the response from the FormatAddress function. |
GenerateSharedLinkResponse | Contains the response from the GenerateSharedLink action. |
GetAuditStorageDetailsResponse | Contains the response from the GetAuditStorageDetails action |
GetAutoNumberSeedResponse | Contains the response from the GetAutoNumberSeed action. |
GetDistinctValuesImportFileResponse | The response from the GetDistinctValuesImportFile function. |
GetFileSasUrlResponse | Contains the response from the GetFileSasUrl function. |
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileResponse | The response from the GetHeaderColumnsImportFile function. |
GetHostedRpaCapacityResponse | Contains the response from the GetHostedRpaCapacity function. |
GetJobStatusResponse | Contains the response from the GetJobStatus action. |
GetLinkedChatsResponse | Contains the response from the GetLinkedChats action. |
GetNextAutoNumberValueResponse | Contains the response from the GetNextAutoNumberValue action |
GetPublicKeyResponse | Contains the response from the GetPublicKey action. |
GetReportHistoryLimitResponse | Contains the response from the GetReportHistoryLimit function. |
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse | Contains the response from the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName function. |
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse | Contains the response from the GetTrackingTokenEmail function. |
GetValidManyToManyResponse | Contains the response from the GetValidManyToMany function. |
GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse | Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntities function. |
GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse | Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntities function. |
GuidCollection | Contains the collection of unique identifiers. |
ImmediateBookResponse | Contains the response from the ImmediateBook action. |
ImportCardTypeSchemaResponse | Contains the response from the ImportCardTypeSchema action. |
ImportSolutionAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the ImportSolutionAsync action. |
ImportTranslationAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the ImportTranslationAsync action |
IngestResponse | Contains the response from the Ingest action. |
InitializeAnnotationBlocksDownloadResponse | Contains the response from the InitializeAnnotationBlocksDownload action |
InitializeAnnotationBlocksUploadResponse | Contains the response from the InitializeAnnotationBlocksUpload action. |
InitializeAttachmentBlocksDownloadResponse | Contains the response from the InitializeAttachmentBlocksDownload action. |
InitializeAttachmentBlocksUploadResponse | Contains the response from the InitializeAttachmentBlocksUpload action. |
InitializeFileBlocksDownloadResponse | Contains the response from the InitializeFileBlocksDownload action. |
InitializeFileBlocksUploadResponse | Contains the response from the InitializeFileBlocksUpload action. |
InputArgument | Contains custom application data. |
InputArgumentCollection | Contains a collection of InputArgument objects. |
InsertOptionValueResponse | Contains the response from the InsertOptionValue action. |
InsertStatusValueResponse | Contains the response from the InsertStatusValue action. |
installResponse | Contains the response from the install action. |
IPFirewallAccessAuditDetail | Contains the audited details of the requests subjected to IP firewall restriction. |
IsComponentCustomizableResponse | Contains the response from the IsComponentCustomizable function. |
IsDataEncryptionActiveResponse | Contains the response from the IsDataEncryptionActive function. |
IsPaiEnabledResponse | Contains the response from the IsPaiEnabled action. |
IsPmEnabledResponse | Contains the response from the IsPmEnabled action. |
IsValidStateTransitionResponse | Contains the response from the IsValidStateTransition function. |
Label | Contains a collection of translations for a label. |
LabelQueryExpression | Contains the languages for the labels to be retrieved for metadata items. |
LayerDesiredOrder | Holds data for a single hint. Internal use only. |
LinkEntity | Specifies the links between multiple entity types used in creating complex queries. |
ListChildDesktopFlowsResponse | Contains the response from the ListChildDesktopFlows action. |
ListConnectionReferencesResponse | Contains the response from the ListConnectionReferences action. |
ListCredentialDependenciesResponse | Contains the response from the ListCredentialDependencies function |
LocalizedLabel | Contains a localized label, including the label string and the language code. |
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeResponse | Contains the response from the LocalTimeFromUtcTime function. |
MailboxTrackingFolderMapping | Represents an individual folder-level tracking rule item in the MailboxTrackingFolderMappingCollection. |
MemoFormatName | |
MetadataConditionExpression | Contains a condition expression used to filter the results of the metadata query. |
MetadataFilterExpression | Contains logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of a metadata query. |
MetadataPropertiesExpression | Contains the properties for which non-null values are returned from a query. |
MissingComponent | Contains the data to describe a solution component that is required by a solution but not found in the system. |
MissingDependency | Provides information about a missing dependent solution component. |
MissingPackage | |
msdyn_DeleteCalendarResponse | Contains the response from the msdyn_DeleteCalendar action. |
msdyn_LoadCalendarsResponse | Contains the response from the msdyn_LoadCalendars action. |
msdyn_MigrateSlaProactiveRunResponse | Contains the response from the msdyn_MigrateSlaProactiveRun action. |
msdyn_SaveCalendarResponse | Contains the response from the msdyn_SaveCalendar action |
msdyn_SLACustomTimeCalculationTemplateResponse | Contains the response from the msdyn_SLACustomTimeCalculationTemplate action. |
msdyn_SLATimeCalculationResponse | Contains the response from the msdyn_SLATimeCalculation action. |
msdyn_TriggerIntegratedSearchAnalyticsResponse | |
Object | Contains values to be passed as arguments. |
ObjectiveRelation | Contains the data that describes the scheduling strategy for an AppointmentRequest and that overrides the default constraints. |
OnBackgroundOperationCompleteResponse | Contains the response from the OnBackgroundOperationComplete action. |
OptionMetadata | Contains metadata representing an option within an Option set. |
OrderExpression | The order in which the entity instances are returned from the query. |
OrganizationDetail | Provides detailed information on an organization. |
OrganizationInfo | Provides information about the instance type and solutions available in an organization. |
OrganizationResources | Contains data regarding the resources used by an organization. |
PagingInfo | Specifies a number of pages and a number of entity instances per page to return from the query. |
ParameterCollection | Contains a collection of parameters. |
PredictByReferenceResponse | Contains the response from the PredictByReference action |
PredictionSchemaResponse | Contains the response from the PredictionSchema action. |
PredictResponse | Contains the response from the PredictReponse action. |
PreferredSolutionDetails | |
PreferredSolutionUsedByResponse | Contains the response from the PreferredSolutionUsedBy function. |
PrincipalAccess | Contains access rights information for the security principal (user, team, or organization). |
ProposalParty | Represents a party (user, team, or resource) that is needed for the proposed appointment. |
ProvisionLanguageAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the ProvisionLanguageAsync action. |
PublishAIConfigurationResponse | Contains the response from the PublishAIConfiguration action. |
PublishAllXmlAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the PublishAllXmlAsync action. |
PurgeRetainedContentResponse | Contains the response from the PurgeRetainedContent action. |
PvaCreateContentSnapshotResponse | Contains the response from the PvaCreateContentSnapshot action. |
PvaGetDirectLineEndpointResponse | Contains the response from the PvaGetDirectLineEndpoint action. |
PvaGetFeatureControlSetResponse | Contains the response from the PvaGetFeatureControlSet action. |
PvaGetMaxDatabaseVersionResponse | Contains the response from the PvaGetMaxDatabaseVersion action. |
PvaGetUserBotsResponse | Contains the response from the PvaGetUserBots action. |
PvaPublishResponse | Contains the response from the PvaPublish action. |
QueryBase | The abstract base class for constructing a query. |
QueryByAttribute | A query that is expressed as a set of attribute and value pairs. |
QueryDvUnstructuredDataResponse | Contains the response from the QueryDvUnstructuredData action. |
QueryExpression | A complex query expressed in a hierarchy of expressions. |
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse | Contains the response from the QueryExpressionToFetchXml action. |
QueryFabricAISkillResponse | Contains the response from the QueryFabricAISkill action. |
QuerySalesforceUnstructuredDataResponse | Contains the response from the QuerySalesforceUnstructuredData action |
QueryScheduleResponse | Contains response from QuerySchedule function. |
QueryZendeskUnstructuredArticlesResponse | Contains the response from the QueryZendeskUnstructuredArticles action. |
QuestionAnalyticsResponse | Contains the response from the QuestionAnalytics action |
QuickTestResponse | Contains the response from the QuickTest action. |
RecognizeTextResponse | Contains the response from the RecognizeText action. |
RefreshRpaLicensingCapacityResponse | Contains the response from the RefreshRpaLicensingCapacity action. |
RegisterFlowMachineResponse | Contains the response from the RegisterFlowMachine action. |
RelationshipAttribute | |
RelationshipAuditDetail | Contains the audited details of a change in a relationship. |
RelationshipQueryExpression | Contains a complex query to retrieve entity relationship metadata for entities retrieved using an EntityQueryExpression. |
RemoveActiveCustomizationResponse | |
RemoveSolutionComponentResponse | Contains the response from the RemoveSolutionComponent action. |
RemoveUserFromRecordTeamResponse | Contains the response from the RemoveUserFromRecordTeam action. |
RequiredResource | Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation. |
RescheduleResponse | Contains the response from the Reschedule action. |
ResetInheritedAccessResponse | Contains the response from the ResetInheritedAccess function. |
ResourceInfo | Contains information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment. |
RestoreResponse | Contains the response from the Restore Action. |
RetainResponse | Contains the response from the Retain action. |
RetrieveAadUserPrivilegesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAadUserPrivileges function. |
RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByIdsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByIds function. |
RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse function. |
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlResponse | The response from the RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrl function. |
RetrieveAccessOriginResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAccessOrigin function. |
RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAllEntities function. |
RetrieveAnalyticsStoreDetailsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAnalyticsStoreDetails function. |
RetrieveApplicationRibbonResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveApplicationRibbon function. |
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryResponse | Contains the response from RetrieveAttributeChangeHistory function. |
RetrieveAuditDetailsResponse | Contains the response from RetrieveAuditDetails function. |
RetrieveAuditPartitionListResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditPartitionList function. |
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveAvailableLanguages function. |
RetrieveCascadeAssignAsyncJobIdResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveCascadeDeleteAsyncJobId function. |
RetrieveCascadeDeleteAsyncJobIdResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveCascadeDeleteAsyncJobId function. |
RetrieveCurrentOrganizationResponse | Contains the response from processing RetrieveCurrentOrganization function. |
RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveDataEncryptionKey function. |
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseType function. |
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguages function. |
RetrieveEntityResponse | Contains the response from RetrieveEntity function. |
RetrieveEntityRibbonResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRibbon function. |
RetrieveEnvironmentVariableSecretValueResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveEnvironmentVariableSecretValue action. |
RetrieveEnvironmentVariableValueResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveEnvironmentVariableValue function. |
RetrieveExchangeRateResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveExchangeRate function. |
RetrieveFinanceAndOperationsIntegrationDetailsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveFinanceAndOperationsIntegrationDetails function. |
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveFormattedImportJobResults function. |
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacks function. |
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersion function. |
RetrieveLicenseInfoResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveLicenseInfo function. |
RetrieveLocLabelsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveLocLabels function. |
RetrieveMailboxTrackingFoldersResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveMailboxTrackingFolders function. |
RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse | Contains the response from RetrieveMetadataChanges function. |
RetrieveMissingComponentsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingComponents function. |
RetrieveOrganizationInfoResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationInfo function. |
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationResources function. |
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveParsedDataImportFile function. |
RetrievePrincipalAccessResponse | Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAccess function. |
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivileges function. |
RetrievePrincipalSyncAttributeMappingsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalSyncAttributeMappings function. |
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersion function. |
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguages function. |
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryResponse | Contains the response from RetrieveRecordChangeHistory function. |
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRole function. |
RetrieveSettingResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveSetting function. |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse | Contains the response from RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess function. |
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamPrivileges function. |
RetrieveTimelineWallRecordsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveTimelineWallRecords function. |
RetrieveTimestampResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveTimestamp function. |
RetrieveTotalRecordCountResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveTotalRecordCount function. |
RetrieveUserApplicationLicenseAccessResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserApplicationLicenseAccess function. |
RetrieveUserLicenseInfoResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserLicenseInfo function. |
RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeIdResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeId function. |
RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeNameResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeName function. |
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivileges function. |
RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByIdsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByIdsResponse function. |
RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse function. |
RetrieveUsersPrivilegesThroughTeamsResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveUsersPrivilegesThroughTeams function. |
RetrieveVersionResponse | Contains the response from the RetrieveVersion function. |
RolePrivilege | Contains information about a privilege. |
RolePrivilegeAuditDetail | Represents audited changes to the privileges of a security role. |
RollbackRetainResponse | Contains the response from the RollbackRetain action. |
RunDesktopFlowResponse | Contains the response from the RunDesktopFlow action. |
SaveAsDesktopFlowModuleResponse | Contains the response from the SaveAsDesktopFlowModule action. |
SaveAsDesktopFlowResponse | Contains the response from the SaveAsDesktopFlow Action. |
SchedulePredictionResponse | Contains the response from the SchedulePrediction Action. |
ScheduleRetrainResponse | Contains the response from the ScheduleRetrain Action. |
ScheduleTrainingResponse | Contains the response from the ScheduleTraining Action. |
searchautocompleteResponse | Contains the response from the searchautocomplete Action. |
searchqueryResponse | Contains the response from the searchquery Action. |
SearchResponse | Contains the response from the Search function. |
SearchResults | Contains the results from the Search action. |
searchstatisticsResponse | Contains the response from the searchstatistics Action. |
searchstatusResponse | Contains the response from the searchstatus Action. |
searchsuggestResponse | Contains the response from the searchsuggest Action. |
SecurityPrivilegeMetadata | The metadata that describes a security privilege for access to an entity. |
SendAppNotificationResponse | Contains the response from the SendAppNotification action. |
SendEmailResponse | Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmail action. |
ServicePlan | Contains information about a service plan assigned to a system user. |
SettingDetail | Provides information about a setting. |
ShareAuditDetail | A shared audit detail record. |
ShareResponse | Contains the response from the Share Action. |
Solution | Contains information about a solution in an organization. |
SolutionComponentDetails | Provides detailed information about a solution component. |
SolutionComponentOption | For internal use only. |
SolutionComponentReference | |
SolutionDetails | Provides detailed information about a solution. |
SolutionInfo | Contains information about the details of the solution. Internal use only. |
SolutionParameters | Additional solution parameters. |
SolutionValidationResult | The result returned from validating the solution. |
StageAndUpgradeAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the StageAndUpgradeAsync action. |
StageAndUpgradeResponse | Contains the response from the StageAndUpgrade Action. |
StageSolutionResponse | Contains the response from the StageSolution action. |
StageSolutionResults | Contains detailed information from staging a solution. |
StateOptionMetadata | Contains data to define an option for the options in a State attribute. |
StatusOptionMetadata | Contains one of the possible values for an attribute of type status. |
StringCollection | Collection of strings. |
StringFormatName | Specifies the format of a StringAttributeMetadata attribute using the FormatName property. |
SummarizeRecordResponse | Contains the response from the SummarizeRecord action. |
SyncBulkOperationResponse | Contains the response from the SyncBulkOperation Action. |
TimeInfo | Specifies a set of time blocks with appointment information. |
TraceInfo | Contains the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, RescheduleRequest, or Search actions. |
TrainResponse | Contains the response from the Train Action. |
TriggerDesktopFlowRunCallbackResponse | Contains the response from the TriggerDesktopFlowRunCallback Action. |
UninstallSolutionAsyncResponse | Contains the response from the UninstallSolutionAsync action. |
UnpublishAIConfigurationResponse | Contains the response from the UnpublishAIConfiguration Action. |
UnschedulePredictionResponse | Contains the response from the UnschedulePrediction Action. |
UnscheduleTrainingResponse | Contains the response from the UnscheduleTraining Action. |
UserAccessAuditDetail | Contains data used for user access auditing. |
UserLicenseInfo | Contains information about the service plans that a system user has access to. |
UserName | Contains data about a user associated with a preferred solutions. |
ValidateAIConfigurationResponse | Contains the response from the ValidateAIConfiguration Action. |
ValidateAppResponse | Contains the response from the ValidateApp Function. |
ValidateFetchXmlExpressionResponse | Contains the response from the ValidateFetchXmlExpression function. |
ValidateFetchXmlExpressionResult | The result of processing a FetchXml query for performance issues. |
ValidateRecurrenceRuleResponse | Contains the response from the ValidateRecurrenceRule function. |
ValidateResponse | Contains the response from the Validate action. |
ValidateRetentionConfigResponse | Contains the response from the ValidateRetentionConfig action. |
ValidationIssue | For internal use only. |
ValidationResult | Contains the result from the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or Reschedule actions. |
ValidatorIssue | An issue found during the processing of a fetchxml query using the ValidateFetchXmlExpression function. |
VirtualTableColumnCandidate | |
WhoAmIResponse | Contains the response from WhoAmI function. |
XrmAttributeExpression | Contains data to specify aggregation. |