Compartir a través de PluginType

PluginType is the overall container for plug-ins that expose a set of resources through the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service. The schema MUST be as shown here.

The type is used under the following namespace:

   <xs:element name="PluginConfiguration" type="plugin:PluginType"/>
   <xs:complexType name="PluginType">
       <xs:element name="Resources" type="ResourcesContainerType" />
       <xs:element name="InitializationParameters" minoccurs="0"
         type="InitializationParametersType" />
       <xs:element name="Quotas" minoccurs="0" type="QuotasType" />
     <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" />
     <xs:attribute name="Filename" type="xs:string" />
     <xs:attribute name="SDKVersion" type="xs:integer" />
     <xs:attribute name="XmlRenderingType" 
       type="XmlRenderingTypeEnumeration" />
     <xs:attribute name="Architecture" type="xs:integer" use="optional" />
     <xs:attribute name="UseSharedProcess" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"
       default="false" />
     <xs:attribute name="AutoRestart" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"
       default="false" />
     <xs:attribute name="ProcessIdleTimeoutSec" type="xs:integer"
       use="optional" default="0" />
     <xs:attribute name="RunAsUser" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
     <xs:attribute name="RunAsPassword" type="xs:string" use="optional" />
     <xs:attribute name="OutputBufferingMode"
       type="OutputBufferingModeEnumeration" use="optional" />
     <xs:attribute name="Enabled" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"
       default="true" />


Resources: Container for the list of resources exposed by this plug-in.

InitializationParameters: Container for initial parameters to be passed to the plug-in on startup.

Quotas: Contains values for resource quota limits that are specific to this plug-in.


Name: Unique name used to identify the plug-in. The Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service MUST support a Name of up to 2048 characters.

Filename: A local file path in whichever file naming syntax is used by the server's local file system; all characters MUST be considered legal by the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista protocol, as the string is simply passed to the underlying file system. The Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service MUST support a Name of up to 2048 characters.

SDKVersion: This MUST be set to 1.

XmlRenderingType: The data format used by the service to communicate with the plug-in.

Architecture: Specifies whether the plug-in is a 32-bit or 64-bit implementation. If present, this attribute MUST be set to either 32 or 64.

UseSharedProcess: Specifies whether Remote Shells created by this plug-in are executed within the same process or within different processes. If set to true, the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service SHOULD execute all Shells within the same process. If set to false, the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service SHOULD execute each Shell within a separate process. For more details, see section

AutoRestart: Specifies whether this plug-in is automatically loaded when the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service is started. If set to true, the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service SHOULD create a process and load the plug-in at startup. If set to false, the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service SHOULD NOT create a process and load the plug-in until a request message is received that is directed to this plug-in.

ProcessIdleTimeoutSec: The maximum length of time in seconds that a process hosting a plug-in is allowed to exist if there are no Shells present that were created by that plug-in. The time interval is measured beginning from the time that all Shells created by this plug-in are deleted, to the time the plug-in creates another Shell. If the interval is more than the value specified for this element, the service SHOULD delete the process. The minimum value of this element MUST be 0, and the maximum value SHOULD be 1209600.

RunAsUser: Specifies the user identity to use for authorizing all operations carried out by this plug-in. If this element exists, all operations carried out by this plug-in SHOULD be authorized using the value of this element as the user name and the value of the RunAsPassword element as the corresponding password. This element MUST NOT be used when initially authorizing access to a particular Resource URI, as defined in section

RunAsPassword: Specifies the user password that is used to authorize all operations carried out by this plug-in. If this element exists, all operations carried out by this plug-in SHOULD be authorized using the value of the RunAsUser element as user name and the value this element as password. This element MUST NOT be used when initially authorizing access to a particular Resource URI as defined in section

OutputBufferingMode: Specifies the buffering mode used by the server for plug-ins that implement the Disconnect shell capability.

Enabled: This attribute MUST be ignored by the server.