Compartir a través de RasRpcDeleteEntry (Opnum 5)

The RasRpcDeleteEntry method deletes a specific RRAS Entry from an RRAS Phonebook path.

 DWORD RasRpcDeleteEntry(
   [in] handle_t h,
   [in, string] LPWSTR lpszPhonebook,
   [in, string] LPWSTR lpszEntry

h: An RPC binding handle as specified in [C706] section 2.

lpszPhonebook: A null-terminated Unicode string specifying the RRAS Phonebook path as specified in section 2.2.2.

lpszEntry: A null-terminated Unicode string specifying the RRAS Entry name as specified in section to be deleted.

Return Values: Specifies the return status as explained in section for retcode field.

The return value can be one of the following error codes. All other error values MUST be treated the same by the RRASM client.

Return value/code




The call was successful.

Exceptions Thrown: This method throws an exception with the exception code RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED (0x00000005) if the client is not an administrator on the RRASM server, with access permission to perform the operation.<334>

The opnum field value for this method is 5.

When processing this call, the RRASM server SHOULD do the following:

  • Validate as specified in section 3.3.4 whether this method was called by a client which is an administrator of the RRASM server.

  • If lpszEntry is NULL, return an error other than one of the errors specified in the preceding table.

  • If lpszEntry is not present in PhonebookEntryNameList, return an error other than one of the errors specified in the preceding table.

  • Call the abstract interface Invoke RASRPC method, specifying the operation and the parameters necessary to enable the RRASM server to perform the required management task.

  • Return any error result that the RRASM server returns as a part of the processing. Otherwise return ERROR_SUCCESS (0x00000000).