Compartir a través de MCAST_HBEAT_INFO

The MCAST_HBEAT_INFO is used for multicast heartbeat information. See [RFC1301] and [RFC3376] for more details.

 typedef struct _MCAST_HBEAT_INFO {
   WCHAR pwszGroup[MAX_GROUP_LEN];
   BOOL bActive;
   ULONG ulDeadInterval;
   BYTE byProtocol;
   WORD wPort;

pwszGroup: A null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name and address of the multicast group.

bActive: Indicates whether or not the heartbeat is active.

ulDeadInterval: The dead interval in minutes.

byProtocol: Specifies how the heartbeat is being carried out. This MUST have one of the following values.





A non-UDP based protocol is specified for use as multicast heartbeat. wPort specifies the identifier for the protocol.



UDP-based protocol is specified for use as multicast heartbeat. wPort specifies the UDP port number.

wPort: The port or protocol for which the heartbeat is being carried out.

When this structure is used, the InfoType of RTR_TOC_ENTRY (section MUST be 0xFFFF000A to specify IP multicast heartbeat configuration.