Compartir a través de MPRAPI_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS_2

The MPRAPI_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS_2 structure<169> is used to get or set configuration of various tunnels on a RAS server.

 typedef struct _MPRAPI_TUNNEL_CONFIG_PARAMS_2 {
   IKEV2_CONFIG_PARAMS_2 IkeConfigParams;
   PPTP_CONFIG_PARAMS_1 PptpConfigParams;
   L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS_1 L2tpConfigParams;
   SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS_1 SstpConfigParams;

IkeConfigParams: MUST be an IKEV2_CONFIG_PARAMS_2 structure and is used to get or set IKEv2 tunnel parameters.

PptpConfigParams: MUST be a PPTP_CONFIG_PARAMS_1 structure and is used to get or set PPTP tunnel parameters.

L2tpConfigParams: MUST be an L2TP_CONFIG_PARAMS_1 structure and is used to get or set L2TP tunnel parameters.

SstpConfigParams: MUST be an SSTP_CONFIG_PARAMS_1 structure and is used to get or set SSTP tunnel parameters.