Compartir a través de RASRPC_PBUSER

The RASRPC_PBUSER structure contains configuration information of Demand Dial connection.

 typedef struct _RASRPC_PBUSER {
   BOOL fOperatorDial;
   BOOL fPreviewPhoneNumber;
   BOOL fUseLocation;
   BOOL fShowLights;
   BOOL fShowConnectStatus;
   BOOL fCloseOnDial;
   BOOL fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits;
   BOOL fAllowLogonLocationEdits;
   BOOL fSkipConnectComplete;
   BOOL fNewEntryWizard;
   DWORD dwRedialAttempts;
   DWORD dwRedialSeconds;
   DWORD dwIdleDisconnectSeconds;
   BOOL fRedialOnLinkFailure;
   BOOL fPopupOnTopWhenRedialing;
   BOOL fExpandAutoDialQuery;
   DWORD dwCallbackMode;
   [unique] LPRASRPC_CALLBACKLIST pCallbacks;
   WCHAR pszLastCallbackByCaller[129];
   DWORD dwPhonebookMode;
   WCHAR pszPersonalFile[260];
   WCHAR pszAlternatePath[260];
   [unique] LPRASRPC_STRINGLIST pPhonebooks;
   [unique] LPRASRPC_STRINGLIST pAreaCodes;
   BOOL fUseAreaAndCountry;
   [unique] LPRASRPC_STRINGLIST pPrefixes;
   [unique] LPRASRPC_STRINGLIST pSuffixes;
   [unique] LPRASRPC_LOCATIONLIST pLocations;
   DWORD dwXPhonebook;
   DWORD dwYPhonebook;
   WCHAR pszDefaultEntry[257];
   BOOL fInitialized;
   BOOL fDirty;

fOperatorDial: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fPreviewPhoneNumber: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fUseLocation: It is unused can be set to any value.

fShowLights: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fShowConnectStatus: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fCloseOnDial: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fAllowLogonLocationEdits: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fSkipConnectComplete: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fNewEntryWizard: It is unused and can be set to any value.

dwRedialAttempts: It is unused and can be set to any value.

dwRedialSeconds: It is unused and can be set to any value.

dwIdleDisconnectSeconds: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fRedialOnLinkFailure: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fPopupOnTopWhenRedialing: It is unused and can be set to any value.

fExpandAutoDialQuery: It is unused and can be set to any value.

dwCallbackMode: It is unused and can be set to any value.

pCallbacks: A pointer to a linked list of callback information specified by RASRPC_CALLBACKLIST (section structures. Each member of the linked list specifies the callback information for a particular port associated with a device.  

pszLastCallbackByCaller: A null-terminated Unicode string specifying the callback phone number last used.

dwPhonebookMode: It is unused and can be set to any value.

pszPersonalFile: It MUST be set to an empty string ("").

pszAlternatePath: It MUST be set to an empty string ("").

pPhonebooks: It is not used and can be set to NULL.

pAreaCodes: It is not used and can be set to NULL.

fUseAreaAndCountry: It is unused and can be set to any value.

pPrefixes: It MUST be set to NULL.

pSuffixes: It MUST be set to NULL.

pLocations: It MUST be set to NULL.

dwXPhonebook: It is unused and can be set to any value.

dwYPhonebook: It is unused can be set to any value.

pszDefaultEntry: It MUST be set to an empty string (").

fInitialized: If set to 1, specifies that the RASRPC_PBUSER structure is initialized if set to 0 specifies that the RASRPC_PBUSER structure is not initialized.

fDirty: If set to 1, specifies that the RASRPC_PBUSER structure needs to be stored on server. If set to 0, specifies that the RASRPC_PBUSER structure need not be stored on RRAS.