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4.2 Disconnecting a Particular User Connection

This example illustrates the use of the RPC methods defined in this specification to enumerate a connection on the RRAS server. This example shows a Windows Server 2008 operating system server when 10 remote access connections are active and one of the clients (foo) has connected from a multilink (2-port) machine that is compliant with the polices on the server [MS-RNAP]. The connection of foo is enumerated and all the ports (2) of that connection are disconnected.

The client calls the RPC method RRasAdminConnectionEnum (section with the following parameters: 

  • The DIM_HANDLE (section that the client obtains during initialization (section 3.1.3).

  • The level of information required. In this example, the RRAS server supports level 3.<354>

  • The pointer to DIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER (section (pInfoStruct) that the RRAS server uses to pass the information.

  • The dwPreferedMaximumLength is set to -1, so that the buffer returned is large enough to hold all available information.

  • The lpdwResumeHandle parameter is zero (0) because this is the first call.

When the client calls the RPC method as previously described, the RRAS server returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Additionally, the following parameter values are updated:

  • The dwBufferSize in the pointer to DIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER (pInfoStruct) will contain the size of information being passed; in this case, it will be 10 times the size of RASI_CONNECTION_3 (section

  • The lpdwEntriesRead and lpdwTotalEntries will point to DWORD, which has a value of 10.

  • The pBuffer in the pointer to DIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER (pInfoStruct) will contain a pointer to a 10-element array of RASI_CONNECTION_3.

  • The dwVersion in RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be 1.

  • The dwSize in each instance of RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be the size of RASI_CONNECTION_3 in bytes.

  • The dwConnection in RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be a unique handle to identify the connection.

  • The wszUserName in one of the 10 instances of RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be "foo".

  • The dwInterfaceType in RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be ROUTER_IF_TYPE_CLIENT.

  •  The guid in RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be a unique GUID to identify a connection.

  • The PppInfo3 RASI_CONNECTION_3 will contain the PPP information of the connection.

  •  The rasQuarState in RASI_CONNECTION_3 will be RAS_QUAR_STATE_NORMAL because the client is healthy.

  • The timer in RASI_CONNECTION_3 will not be valid because the client is healthy.

The client then stores the dwConnection in RASI_CONNECTION_3, which has the wszUserName "foo" in a local variable hRasConnection.

The client frees the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.

 The client calls the RPC method RRasAdminPortEnum (section with the following parameters:

  • The DIM_HANDLE is the same handle that the client obtains earlier during initialization.

  • The dwLevel is set to 0.

  • The hRasConnection is the handle that the client obtained in dwConnection in RASI_CONNECTION_3 during the previous call RRasAdminConnectionEnum.

  • The pointer to DIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER (pInfoStruct) that the RRAS servers uses to pass the information.

  • The dwPreferedMaximumLength is set to -1, so that the buffer returned is large enough to hold all available information.

  • The lpdwResumeHandle parameter is zero (0) because all the information required is present.

When the client calls the RPC method as previously described, the RRAS server returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Additionally, the following parameter values are updated:

  • The dwBufferSize in the pointer to DIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER (pInfoStruct) will contain the size of information being passed; in this case, it will be the size of RASI_PORT_0 (section

  • The pBuffer in the pointer to DIM_INFORMATION_CONTAINER (pInfoStruct) will contain a pointer to RASI_PORT_0.

  • The lpdwEntriesRead will point to a DWORD that contains 2.

The client stores the dwPort in each instance of RASI_PORT_0 into a local variable array hPort[2].

The client frees the buffer pointed to by pBuffer.

The client then calls the RPC method RRasAdminPortDisconnect (section twice with the following parameters:

  • The DIM_HANDLE is the same handle that the client obtains earlier during initialization.

  • The hPort[n] handle is obtained previously by calling RRasAdminPortEnum (n= 0,1).

When the client calls the RPC method as described in this section, the method returns ERROR_SUCCESS, and the user connection is disconnected.