Compartir a través de AcquireTemplateInformation Operation

The AcquireTemplateInformation request is used to acquire information about the rights policy templates available on the server. The server returns information about the available templates in the form of a list of GUIDs and hashes corresponding to the server templates.

AcquireTemplateInformation sequence

Figure 9: AcquireTemplateInformation sequence

 <wsdl:operation name="AcquireTemplateInformation"> 
     <wsdl:documentation xmlns:wsdl="">Return template information (GUID + hash)</wsdl:documentation> 
     <wsdl:input message="tns:AcquireTemplateInformationSoapIn" /> 
     <wsdl:output message="tns:AcquireTemplateInformationSoapOut" /> 

Exceptions Thrown: The AcquireTemplateInformation method SHOULD return a fault code when a failure occurs.  Details of the RMS: Client to Server Protocol SOAP fault format can be found in section




A request was received, but the server is in a decommissioned state and cannot process the request.

In the AcquireTemplateInformation operation, the client requests template information from the server. The request MUST always be the same, with no specific request parameters.

Upon receiving an AcquireTemplateInformation request, the server SHOULD enumerate the Rights Policy Templates in the publishedTemplates field of the ServerState. The server SHOULD return information from this collection of templates. This information MUST contain the GUID of the template and its hash value. For an unsuccessful request, the server MUST return a SOAP fault code. If the serverDecommissioned field of ServerState is true, the server SHOULD return a Microsoft.RightsManagementServices.ClusterDecommissionedException fault.