Compartir a través de AP Exchange

If UseSessionKey is set to TRUE, the client sets the USE-SESSION-KEY flag to TRUE in the ap-options field of the AP-REQ ([RFC4120] section 5.5.1).

When the server name is not Krbtgt, the client sends an AP request as an authorization data field ([RFC4120] section 5.2.6), initialized as follows:

  • ad-type KERB-LOCAL (142) and ad-data containing KERB-LOCAL structure (section 2.2.4).

  • KERB_AUTH_DATA_TOKEN_RESTRICTIONS (141), containing the KERB-AD-RESTRICTION-ENTRY structure (section 2.2.6) inside the first AD-IF-RELEVANT element.<39>

  • KERB_AUTH_DATA_CLIENT_TARGET (144), containing the server’s name qualified with the realm name inside the first AD-IF-RELEVANT element.

  • If ChannelBinding is set to TRUE, the client sends the Authorization Data Type AD-AUTH-DATA-AP-OPTIONS (143) data in the first AD-IF-RELEVANT element ([RFC4120] section and the ad-data of KERB_AP_OPTIONS_CBT (0x4000), encoded as a four byte little-endian unsigned integer. The presence of this element indicates that the client expects the applications running on it to include channel binding information ([RFC2743] section 1.1.6 and [RFC2744]) in AP requests whenever Kerberos authentication takes place over an "outer channel" such as TLS. Channel binding is provided using the ChannelBinding variable specified in section 3.2.1.

  • If UnverifiedTargetName is set to TRUE, the client additionally sets KERB_AP_OPTIONS_UNVERIFIED_TARGET_NAME (0x8000) in the AD_AUTH_DATA_AP_OPTIONS.

When the client receives a KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW error ([RFC4120] section 3.2.3) with a KERB-ERROR-DATA structure (section 2.2.2) in the e-data field of the KRB-ERROR message ([RFC4120] section 5.9.1), the client retries the AP-REQ using the time in the KRB-ERROR message to create the authenticator.