Compartir a través de StringAlignment Enumeration

The StringAlignment enumeration defines ways to align strings with respect to a text layout rectangle.

 typedef  enum 
   StringAlignmentNear = 0x00000000,
   StringAlignmentCenter = 0x00000001,
   StringAlignmentFar = 0x00000002
 } StringAlignment;

StringAlignmentNear:  String alignment is toward the origin of the layout rectangle. This can be used to align characters along a line or to align text within a rectangle. For a right-to-left layout rectangle, the origin SHOULD be at the upper right.

StringAlignmentCenter:  The alignment is centered between the origin and extent of the layout rectangle.

StringAlignmentFar:  The alignment is to the right side of the layout rectangle.

See section 2.1.1 for the specification of additional enumerations.