The nonreplicated, multivalued attribute repsFrom is an optional attribute on the root object of every NC replica. It is stored with the structure of the REPS_FROM concrete type, which is represented by the following diagram.
Note In the following field descriptions, the source DC refers to the DC identified by the uuidDsaObj.
1 |
2 |
3 |
dwVersion |
dwReserved0 |
cb |
cConsecutiveFailures |
timeLastSuccess |
... |
timeLastAttempt |
... |
ulResultLastAttempt |
cbOtherDraOffset |
cbOtherDra |
ulReplicaFlags |
rtSchedule (84 bytes) |
... |
... |
dwReserved1 |
usnVec (24 bytes) |
... |
... |
uuidDsaObj (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
uuidInvocId (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
uuidTransportObj (16 bytes) |
... |
... |
dwReserved |
cbPasDataOffset |
data (variable) |
... |
dwVersion (4 bytes): The version of this structure. The value must be 1 or 2.<49>
dwReserved0 (4 bytes): Unused. MUST be 0 and ignored.
cb (4 bytes): The total number of bytes in the REPS_FROM structure.
cConsecutiveFailures (4 bytes): An unsigned long that contains the number of consecutive failures that have occurred while replicating from the source DC.
timeLastSuccess (8 bytes): A DSTIME that contains the time of the last successful replication cycle with the source DC.
timeLastAttempt (8 bytes): A DSTIME that contains the time of the last replication attempt with the source DC.
ulResultLastAttempt (4 bytes): A Win32 error code, as specified in [MS-ERREF] section 2.2, that represents the result of the last replication attempt with the source DC.
cbOtherDraOffset (4 bytes): The offset from the start of the structure to a location in the data field, specifying the start of a structure that contains a NetworkAddress for the source DC. If dwVersion is 1, it is an MTX_ADDR structure. If dwVersion is 2, it is a DSA_RPC_INST structure.
cbOtherDra (4 bytes): The size of the structure pointed to by cbOtherDraOffset.
ulReplicaFlags (4 bytes): A ULONG. This field contains a set of DRS_OPTIONS that are applicable when replicating from the source DC.
rtSchedule (84 bytes): A REPLTIMES structure. If periodic replication is enabled (ulReplicaFlags contains DRS_PER_SYNC), this field identifies the 15-minute intervals within each week when a replication cycle is initiated with the source DC.
dwReserved1 (4 bytes): Unused. MUST be 0 and ignored.
usnVec (24 bytes): A USN_VECTOR structure. This holds 0 or the usnvecTo field from the response to the last IDL_DRSGetNCChanges replication request sent to the source DC.
uuidDsaObj (16 bytes): A GUID that is the DSA GUID of the source DC.
uuidInvocId (16 bytes): A GUID that contains the invocation ID of the source DC.
uuidTransportObj (16 bytes): A GUID that contains the objectGUID of the interSiteTransport object that corresponds to the transport used for communication with the source DC.
dwReserved (4 bytes): Unused. MUST be 0 and ignored.
cbPasDataOffset (4 bytes): The offset from the start of the structure to a location in the data field, specifying the start of a PAS_DATA structure.
data (variable): The storage for the rest of the structure. The structures pointed to by cbOtherDraOffset and cbPasDataOffset are packed into this field and can be referenced using the offsets.