Compartir a través de DNS_RPC_ENUM_ZONES_FILTER

The DNS_RPC_ENUM_ZONES_FILTER structure specifies zone filtering criteria.

 typedef struct _DnsRpcEnumZonesFilter {
   DWORD dwRpcStructureVersion;
   DWORD dwReserved0;
   DWORD dwFilter;
   [string] char* pszPartitionFqdn;
   [string] char* pszQueryString;
   [string] char* pszReserved[6];

dwRpcStructureVersion: The structure version number; this MUST be set to 0x00000001.

dwReserved0: MUST be set to zero when sent and MUST be ignored on receipt.

dwFilter: A filter value that specifies the zone types that are to be selected as part of the output zone list. This value MUST be set to any combination of the ZONE_REQUEST_FILTERS (section

pszPartitionFqdn: A pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 string that specifies the distinguished name for an application directory partition location from which the server is to enumerate zones; if this is NULL then zone enumeration is not restricted based on the application directory partition.

pszQueryString: Reserved for future use. Server MUST set to zero and receiver MUST ignore this value.

pszReserved: Reserved for future use. Server MUST set to zero and receiver MUST ignore this value.