Compartir a través de TRKSVR_CALL_SYNC_VOLUMES

The TRKSVR_CALL_SYNC_VOLUMES structure is used in LnkSvrMessage method calls that specify a SYNC_VOLUMES message (see section 2.2.11), to synchronize volumes between the client and server. For example, this structure is used by the client to request that the server create an entry in its ServerVolumeTable.

This structure holds an array of independent requests. Each of those individual requests is termed a subrequest in this protocol specification. See section 2.2.14 for more information about the individual subrequest data structures. See sections and for examples of the client using this structure.

 typedef struct {
   unsigned long cVolumes;
   [size_is(cVolumes)] TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME* pVolumes;

cVolumes: On input, the number of subrequests in this message. On return, this is the number of subrequests that the server processed. The details of this usage are specified in sections and

pVolumes: An array of subrequests.