Compartir a través de CreateEmptyDir (Opnum 4)

This method is called by a replication client application to create an empty directory to back up a replication file share.

 HRESULT CreateEmptyDir(
   [in] LPCWSTR pwszPath

pwszPath: An ImplementationSpecificPathProperty (section representing the path to the directory that is to be created by the server. This MUST be derived from the server’s base replication directory path by appending one of the following strings.




 The server is a replication source.


 The server is a replication target.

Return Values: This method MUST return S_OK (0x00000000) on success, and a failure result, as specified in [MS-ERREF] section 2.1, on failure. All failure results MUST be treated identically.

Upon receiving a call to this method, the server MAY verify that pwszPath is valid, and fail the call if not.

If there already exists a directory with the provided path, the server MUST attempt to delete the contents of this directory, and fail the call if it cannot. Otherwise, the server MUST attempt to create a directory with the provided path, and fail the call if it cannot.

The server MUST then return success.