The RESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY (section structure represents information for each resource in the enumeration list returned by ApiCreateResourceEnum (section
typedef struct _RESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY { [string] LPWSTR Name; [string] LPWSTR Id; [string] LPWSTR OwnerName; [string] LPWSTR OwnerId; DWORD cbProperties; [size_is(cbProperties)] UCHAR* Properties; DWORD cbRoProperties; [size_is(cbRoProperties)] UCHAR* RoProperties; } RESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY, *PRESOURCE_ENUM_ENTRY;
Name: The name of the resource.
Id: The Id of the resource.
OwnerName: The name of the group that contains this resource.
OwnerId: The Id of the group that contains this resource.
cbProperties: The size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the Properties field.
Properties: A PROPERTY_LIST (section containing the common properties of the resource.
cbRoProperties: The size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by the RoProperties field.
RoProperties: A PROPERTY_LIST containing the common read-only properties of the resource.