Compartir a través de Cluster Registry

The ClusAPI Protocol is used to manage the cluster registry, which is a persistent data store that presents a hierarchical view of the stored data. The protocol server operates on this data store and responds to specific client requests, as specified in section 3.1.4. The content of the cluster registry is part of the cluster state as specified in section 3.1.1.

The cluster registry data store presents data in a tree format. The cluster registry tree format consists of a hierarchical set of keys and values, and is the same as the registry format, as specified in [MS-RRP] sections 2.2 and 3.1.1, except as follows:

  • The cluster registry has only one root key. Clients cannot access the cluster registry root key by name, but the registry can be opened as specified in ApiGetRootKey (see for protocol version 2 or for protocol version 3).

  • Because the cluster registry root key cannot be named by clients, the fully qualified name of a key does not apply to the cluster registry. Keys in the cluster registry are always identified by using a hierarchical name that is relative to a parent key.

  •  The cluster registry does not expose key types. Keys cannot be volatile, in that the information is persisted to the backing data store and is preserved when the data store or cluster system is restarted.

  • The type of a value is one of the types as specified in ApiSetValue (see for protocol version 2 or for protocol version 3). The server typically supports all values as specified in ApiSetValue.<52>

  • Cluster registry keys do not expose classes.

  • The cluster registry associates a key with each resource, resource type, group, node, cluster network, and cluster network interface.

A key can have access restrictions, as indicated in ApiGetRootKey, ApiCreateKey (see for protocol version 2 or for protocol version 3), and ApiOpenKey (see for protocol version 2 or for protocol version 3).