Compartir a través de Dependent

The following example shows the usage of the DependentRole element in defining a ReferentialConstraint.

       <Dependent Role="Manager">
         <PropertyRef Name="ManagerID" />

The following rules apply to the DependentRole element:

  • One DependentRole MUST be used to define the Dependent end of the ReferentialConstraint.

  • Each DependentRole MUST specify one and only one Role attribute that is of type SimpleIdentifier.

  • Dependent has one or more PropertyRef elements that specify a name by using the Name attribute.

  • For each Dependent, a PropertyRef definition cannot specify a Name value that is specified for another PropertyRef.

  • PropertyRef is used to specify the properties that participate in the DependentRole of the ReferentialConstraint.

  • Each PropertyRef element on the Principal corresponds to a PropertyRef on the Dependent. The Principal and the Dependent of the ReferentialConstraint contain the same number of PropertyRef elements. The PropertyRef elements on the Dependent are listed in the same order as the corresponding PropertyRef elements on the Principal.

  • The data type of each property that is defined in the Principal Role MUST be the same as the data type of the corresponding property specified in the DependentRole.

  • In CSDL 2.0 and CSDL 3.0, Dependent can contain any number of AnnotationElement elements.

  • Child elements of Dependent are to appear in this sequence: PropertyRef, AnnotationElement.

Graphic representation in table format of the rules that apply to the Dependent element of ReferentialConstraint.All child elements are to appear in the order indicated.