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2.6.95 CT_PivotFilter

Target namespace:

Referenced by: pivotFilter

A complex type that specifies the extended properties of a CT_PivotFilter ([ISO/IEC29500-4:2016] section A.2) element.


useWholeDay: A Boolean ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.2.2) attribute that specifies whether the filter ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section element extended by this type uses whole days in its filtering criteria. MUST be false for filters for which the value of the attribute type ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section is not one of the values mentioned in the table below. MUST be true if the value of the name attribute of the containing CT_PivotTableDefinition ([ISO/IEC29500-4:2016] section A.2) element is equal to the value of the name (section 2.6.114) attribute of at least one CT_ TimelineCachePivotTable (section 2.6.114) element in the Timeline cache (section 2.1.7) and the value of the attribute type of the containing filter element is one of the following.

Enumeration Value

dateBetween (Date Between)

dateEqual (Date Equals)

dateNewerThan (Date Newer Than)

dateNewerThanOrEqual (Date Newer Than or Equal To)

dateNotBetween (Date Not Between)

dateNotEqual (Date Does Not Equal)

dateOlderThan (Date Older Than)

dateOlderThanOrEqual (Date Older Than Or Equal)

lastMonth (Last Month)

lastQuarter (Last Quarter)

lastWeek (Last Week)

lastYear (Last Year)

M1 (Dates in January)

M10 (Dates in October)

M11 (Dates in November)

M12 (Dates in December)

M2 (Dates in February)

M3 (Dates in March)

M4 (Dates in April)

M5 (Dates in May)

M6 (Dates in June)

M7 (Dates in July)

M8 (Dates in August)

M9 (Dates in September)

nextMonth (Next Month)

nextQuarter (Next Quarter)

nextWeek (Next Week)

nextYear (Next Year)

percent (Percent)

Q1 (First Quarter)

Q2 (Second Quarter)

Q3 (Third Quarter)

Q4 (Fourth Quarter)

sum (Sum)

thisMonth (This Month)

thisQuarter (This Quarter)

thisWeek (This Week)

thisYear (This Year)

today (Today)

tomorrow (Tomorrow)

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this complex type.

 <xsd:complexType name="CT_PivotFilter">
   <xsd:attribute name="useWholeDay" type="xsd:boolean" use="required"/>

See section 5.3 for the full W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1).