Compartir a través de CT_LinkedTextboxInformation

Target namespace:

Referenced by: CT_WordprocessingShape

This type contains all the information necessary for a CT_WordprocessingShape to participate in a text box story. An element of this type MUST NOT be present on the first CT_WordprocessingShape element in a series of CT_WordprocessingShape elements that are part of the same text box story.  An element of this type MUST be present on all subsequent CT_WordprocessingShape elements.

Child Elements:

extLst: A CT_OfficeArtExtensionList ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element to hold future extensions to the parent element of this extLst element


id: An unsignedShort ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.3.23) attribute that specifies the text box story to which this text box belongs.

seq: An unsignedShort ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.3.23) attribute that specifies the position of the owning shape in the given text box story.  This value MUST be unique across all CT_LinkedTextboxInformation instances with the same story identifier.  This value MUST be greater than 0.

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this complex type.

 <xsd:complexType name="CT_LinkedTextboxInformation">
     <xsd:element name="extLst" type="a:CT_OfficeArtExtensionList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:unsignedShort" use="required"/>
   <xsd:attribute name="seq" type="xsd:unsignedShort" use="required"/>

See section 5.2 for the full W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1).