Compartir a través de CT_ColorStyle

Target namespace:

Referenced by: colorStyle

The complex type specifies colors used to resolve CT_StyleColor (section colors in a CT_ChartStyle (section<91> The color style consists of a list of colors, a list of variations and a method for iterating the total set of colors.

The total set of colors is all contained colors repeated each time with each variation applied. A color style can contain 6 colors and 7 variations. This yields a total of 42 colors with the first 6 having the first variation applied, the second 6 having the second variation applied and so on. If no variations are present, then the total color set is just the contained colors with no extra variations.

To retrieve a color given an index, a method is applied to map that index into the total set of colors.

Child Elements:

scrgbClr: A CT_ScRgbColor ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies a color using the red-green-blue (RGB) color model. See ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section

srgbClr: A CT_SRgbColor ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies a color using the RGB color model. See ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section

hslClr: A CT_HslColor ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies a color using the hue-saturation-luminance (HSL) color model. See ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section

sysClr: A CT_SystemColor ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies a color bound to predefined operating system elements. See ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section

schemeClr: A CT_SchemeColor ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies a color bound to a user's theme. See ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section

prstClr: A CT_PresetColor ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies a color which is bound to one of a predefined collection of colors. See ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section

variation: A CT_ColorStyleVariation element that specifies a variation applied to all colors to create a longer set of colors without having to explicitly list them all.

extLst: A CT_OfficeArtExtensionList ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2016] section A.4.1) element that specifies the extension list in which all future extensions of element type ext is defined. The extension list, along with corresponding future extensions, is used to extend the storage capabilities of the DrawingML framework. This enables various types of data to be stored natively in the framework.


meth: An ST_ColorStyleMethod attribute that specifies the method for mapping an index for an element in a chart to the total set of colors contained in this CT_ColorStyle.

id: An unsignedInt ([XMLSCHEMA2/2] section 3.3.22) attribute that specifies the identifier for this CT_ColorStyle.

The following W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1) fragment specifies the contents of this complex type.

 <xsd:complexType name="CT_ColorStyle">
     <xsd:group ref="a:EG_ColorChoice" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <xsd:element name="variation" type="CT_ColorStyleVariation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <xsd:element name="extLst" type="a:CT_OfficeArtExtensionList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
   <xsd:attribute name="meth" type="ST_ColorStyleMethod" use="required"/>
   <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:unsignedInt" use="optional"/>

See section 5.15 for the full W3C XML Schema ([XMLSCHEMA1/2] section 2.1).