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2.4.272 BrtBeginSXVD

The BrtBeginSXVD record specifies pivot field (section properties and specifies the beginning of a collection of records as defined in the PivotTable (section part ABNF. This collection of records specifies a pivot field on the PivotTable view (section




















































































irstName (variable)


irstSub (variable)


irstMemberPropertyCaption (variable)


sxaxis (1 byte):  An SXAxis (section 2.5.146) that specifies the axis or axes this field is present on. For more details, see section

If sxaxis.sxaxisData is equal to 1, then there MUST be a BrtBeginSXDI (section 2.4.243) record in the same PivotTable view as this record with an isxvdData field that references this record. If sxaxis.sxaxisData is equal to 1 and this is an OLAP PivotTable, then the BrtBeginPCDHierarchy (section 2.4.146) record associated with this record MUST have its fMeasure field equal to 1.

If sxaxis.sxaxisRw is equal to 1 and this is a non-OLAP PivotTable, then the BrtBeginISXVDRws (section 2.4.97) collection in the same PivotTable view as this record MUST have a value within its rgisxvdrws field that references this record. If sxaxis.sxAxisRw is equal to 1, sxaxis.sxaxisCol and sxaxis.sxaxisPage MUST be equal to 0. If sxaxis.sxAxisRw is equal to 1 and this is an OLAP PivotTable, then the BrtBeginPCDHierarchy record associated with this record MUST have its fMeasure field equal to 0.

If sxaxis.sxaxisCol is equal to 1 and this is a non-OLAP PivotTable, then the BrtBeginISXVDCols (section 2.4.96) in the same PivotTable view as this record MUST have a value within its rgisxvdcols that references this record. If sxaxis.sxAxisCol is equal to 1, sxaxis.sxaxisRw and sxaxis.sxaxisPage MUST be equal to 0. If sxaxis.sxAxisCol is equal to 1 and this is an OLAP PivotTable, then the BrtBeginPCDHierarchy record associated with this record MUST have its fMeasure field equal to 0.

If sxaxis.sxaxisPage is equal to 1, then there MUST be a BrtBeginSXPI (section 2.4.255) record in the same PivotTable view as this record with an isxvd that references this record. If sxaxis.sxAxisPage is equal to 1, sxaxis.sxaxisRw and sxaxis.sxaxisCol MUST be equal to 0. If sxaxis.sxAxisPage is equal to 1 and this is an OLAP PivotTable, then the BrtBeginPCDHierarchy record associated with this record MUST have its fMeasure field equal to 0.

A - fDefault (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether the default subtotal is displayed for this pivot field. The default subtotal is separately determined for each data item (section (as specified by the iiftab field in the BrtBeginSXDI record) in this PivotTable view. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI (section 2.4.274) with an itmType field equal to PITDEFAULT (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITDEFAULT MUST NOT exist within this collection. For more information, see section

B - fSum (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the sum aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITSUM (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITSUM MUST NOT exist within this collection. MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

C - fCounta (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the count aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITCOUNTA (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITCOUNTA MUST NOT exist within this collection. MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

D - fAverage (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the average aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITAVG (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITAVG MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

E - fMax (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the maximum aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITMAX MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITMAX (section 2.5.105) MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

F - fMin (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the minimum aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITMIN MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITMIN MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

G - fProduct (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the product aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITPRODUCT (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITPRODUCT MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

H - fCount (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the count number aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITCOUNT (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITCOUNT MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

I - fStdev (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the standard deviation aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITSTDDEV (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITSTDDEV MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

J - fStdevp (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the standard deviation population aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITSTDDEVP (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITSTDDEVP MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

K - fVar (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the variance aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITVAR (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITVAR MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

L - fVarp (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether subtotals using the variance population aggregate function are displayed for this pivot field. If this value is equal to 1, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITVARP (section 2.5.105) MUST exist within this collection. If this value is equal to 1, fDefault MUST be 0. If this value is equal to 0, a BrtBeginSXVI with an itmType field equal to PITVARP MUST NOT exist within this collection. This value MUST be 0 for OLAP PivotTables. For more information, see section

M - reserved1 (4 bits): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.

N - fDrilledLevel (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether all pivot items (section in this pivot field are expanded. This value MUST be 0 and MUST be ignored for non-OLAP PivotTables. For more details, section

O - fHideDD (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether drop-down buttons (mechanisms for applying manual filters (section, advanced filters (section, and sorting options) are shown in cells where pivot field labels are displayed (for more details, see section

P - fHiddenLvl (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field is not shown in the PivotTable view. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables.

Q - fUseMemPropCaption (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this record contains an irstMemberPropertyCaption field. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. This value MUST be equal to 0 if the bVerSxMacro field on the immediately preceding BrtBeginSXView (section 2.4.275) record is less than 3.

R - fCompact (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field is in compact axis mode. For more details, see section

S - fDisplayName (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether the irstName field exists.

T - fDisplaySub (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether the irstSub field exists.

U - fTensorSort (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether pivot items of this pivot field are displayed in the order retrieved from the source data. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. For more details, see section 2.2.5.

ifmt (4 bytes): A PivotNumFmtExt (section 2.5.107) that specifies the number format applied to the pivot items in this pivot field.

V - fDragToRow (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field can be placed on the row axis. This value MUST be ignored for an OLAP PivotTable view. This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Specifies that the user will be prevented from placing this pivot field on the row axis.


Specifies that the user will not be prevented from placing this pivot field on the row axis.

W - fDragToColumn (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field can be placed on the column (1) axis. This value MUST be ignored for an OLAP PivotTable view. This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Specifies that the user will be prevented from placing this pivot field on the column (1) axis.


Specifies that the user will not be prevented from placing this pivot field on the column (1) axis.

X - fDragToPage (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field can be placed on the page axis (section This value MUST be ignored for an OLAP PivotTable view. This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Specifies that the user will be prevented from placing this pivot field on the page axis.


Specifies that the user will not be prevented from placing this pivot field on the page axis.

Y - fDragToHide (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field can be removed from the PivotTable view. This value MUST be ignored for an OLAP PivotTable view. This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Specifies that the user will be prevented from removing this pivot field from the PivotTable view.


Specifies that the user will not be prevented from removing this pivot field from the PivotTable view.

Z - fDragToData (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field can be placed on the data axis (section This value MUST be ignored for an OLAP PivotTable view. This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Specifies that the user will be prevented from placing this pivot field on the data axis.


Specifies that the user will not be prevented from placing this pivot field on the data axis.

a - fShowAllItems (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether to show all pivot items for this pivot field, including pivot items that do not currently exist in the source data. This value MUST be 0 for an OLAP PivotTable view. For more information, see Nesting (section This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Specifies that all pivot items are not displayed.


Specifies that all pivot items are displayed.

b - fOutline (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether this pivot field is in outline form. For more details, see sections and

c - fInsertBlankRow (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether to insert a blank row after each pivot item (section

d - fSubtotalAtTop (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether subtotals are displayed at the top of the group when fOutline is equal to 1. For more details, see sections and

e - fServerBased (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether this pivot field is server-based when on the page axis. For more details, see section

This value MUST be 1 if and only if the fServerBased field of the BrtBeginPCDField (section 2.4.136) that specifies the cache field (section associated with this pivot field is 1. If this value is 1, the BrtBeginPivotCacheDef (section 2.4.168) collection that specifies the PivotCache (section associated with this PivotTable (section MUST have a BrtBeginPCDSource (section 2.4.166) record with a isrctype field equal to 1. This value MUST be 0 for PivotTables not based on ODBC source data.

f - reserved2 (1 bit): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.

g - fPageBreaksBetweenItems (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether a page break will be inserted after each pivot item when the PivotTable is printed.

h - fAutoSort (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether fAutoSort (for definition, see section is applied to this pivot field.

i - fAscendSort (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether an autosort (for definition, see section applied to this pivot field will sort in ascending order. This value MUST be a value from the following table.




Sort in ascending order.


Sort in descending order.

j - fAutoShow (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether an AutoShow filter is applied to this pivot field. For more details, see section (section

k - fTopAutoShow (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether an AutoShow filter applied to this pivot field will show the top-ranked or bottom-ranked values. For more details, see Simple Filters (section This value MUST be a value from the following table.




An AutoShow filter applied to this pivot field will show the bottom-ranked values.


An AutoShow filter applied to this pivot field will show the top-ranked values.

l - fHideNewItems (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether new pivot items that appear after a refresh are hidden by default. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. Possible values for this field are listed in the following table.




New pivot items will be shown by default.


New pivot items will be hidden by default.

m - fHasAdvFilter (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether this pivot field has a value filter (section applied to it.

n - fFilterInclusive (1 bit):  A bit that specifies manual filter behavior. For non-OLAP PivotTables, this bit specifies whether new items will be excluded in manual filtering by default. For OLAP PivotTables, this bit specifies whether a manual filter applied to this pivot field specifies pivot items that are included or excluded. If this pivot field is associated with a pivot hierarchy, this value MUST equal the fFilterInclusive field on the BrtBeginSXTH (section 2.4.263) record of the pivot hierarchy that this pivot field is associated with. For OLAP PivotTables, see section for more details.

o - fEnableMultiplePageItems (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether this pivot field can have multiple pivot items selected when it is on the page axis. This value MUST be 0 and MUST be ignored for OLAP PivotTables.

p - fNotAutoSortDft (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether a sort operation that will be applied to this pivot field is an autosort operation or a simple data sort. Possible values for this field are listed in the following table.




A sort operation applied to this pivot field is an autosort. If this value is equal to 0, fAutoSort MUST be equal to 0.


A sort operation applied to this pivot field is a simple data sort that will only be applied once, and not an autosort.

q - fMemPropDisplayInReport (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether to show member property values in the OLAP PivotTable view. The member property is only displayed if the pivot hierarchy is on the row axis as specified by sxaxis.sxaxisRw or on the column (1) axis as specified by sxaxis.sxaxisCol. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. If this value is 1, the fOlapMemPropField field on the BrtBeginPCDField record of the cache field associated with this pivot field MUST be 1.

r - fMemPropDisplayInTip (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether to show member property values in a ToolTip. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. If this value is 1, the fOlapMemPropField field on the BrtBeginPCDField record of the cache field associated with this pivot field MUST be 1. If the bVerSxMacro field on the immediately preceding BrtBeginSXView record is less than 3, this value MUST be equal to 0.

s - fMemPropDisplayInCaption (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether to show member property captions as specified by the irstMemberPropertyCaption field instead of the pivot item captions. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. If this value is 1, the fOlapMemPropField field on the BrtBeginPCDField record of the cache field associated with this pivot field MUST be 1. If the bVerSxMacro field on the associated BrtBeginSXView is less than 3, this value MUST be equal to 0.

t - fItemsDrilledByDefault (1 bit):  A bit that specifies whether the attribute hierarchy in an OLAP PivotTable is expanded by default. This value MUST be equal to 0 for non-OLAP PivotTables. If this value is equal to 1, the fAttributeHierarchy field on the BrtBeginPCDHierarchy record of the cache hierarchy (section associated with the pivot hierarchy this pivot field is associated with MUST be equal to 1. For more information, section

unused (7 bits): This value is undefined, and MUST be ignored.

citmAutoShow (4 bytes): A signed integer that specifies the number of items to show when the fAutoShow field is equal to 1. If the bVerSxMacro field on the associated BrtBeginSXView record is less than 3, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 255. If the bVerSxMacro field on the associated BrtBeginSXView record is greater than or equal to 3, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1.

isxdiAutoShow (4 bytes): An ISXDI (section 2.5.82) that specifies the data item that AutoShow ranks by when fAutoShow is equal to 1. If fAutoShow is equal to 1, this value MUST NOT equal -1.

irstName (variable): An XLWideString (section 2.5.169) that specifies the name of this pivot field.

If fDisplayName is equal to 1, irstName MUST be present. If fDisplayName is equal to 0, irstName MUST NOT be present. If present, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1 character in length. If the bVerSxMacro on the BrtBeginSXView record associated with this record is less than 3, irstName MUST be less than or equal to 255 characters in length. Otherwise, irstName MUST be less than or equal to 32,767 characters in length. If this is a non-OLAP PivotTable, this irstName MUST NOT equal the irstName of another BrtBeginSXVD associated with the same BrtBeginSXView that this record is associated with.

irstSub (variable):  An XLWideString that specifies the custom text that is displayed for the subtotals label. A "?" character within the string specifies that the name of the pivot item will be inserted in that position when the string is displayed.

If fDisplaySub is equal to 1, irstSub MUST be present. If fDisplaySub is equal to 0, irstSub MUST NOT be present. If present, this value MUST be greater than or equal to 1 character in length. If the bVerSxMacro on the BrtBeginSXView associated with this record is less than 3, irstSub MUST be less than or equal to 255 characters in length. Otherwise, irstSub MUST be less than or equal to 32,767 characters in length.

irstMemberPropertyCaption (variable): An XLWideString that specifies the MDX unique name of the member property used as a caption for the pivot field and pivot items.

If fUseMemPropCaption is equal to 1, irstMemberPropertyCaption MUST be present. If fUseMemPropCaption is equal to 0, irstMemberPropertyCaption MUST NOT be present. If present, irstMemberPropertyCaption MUST be less than or equal to 32,767 characters in length. If present, irstMemberPropertyCaption MUST be greater than 0 characters in length.