2.5.154 UncheckedRfX
The UncheckedRfX structure specifies an unchecked cell range. The range can reference cells that lie outside the sheet's used range, as specified by BrtWsDim (section 2.4.859). When all the fields in this structure are set to their maximum value, the structure specifies an invalid cell range.
1 |
2 |
3 |
rwFirst |
rwLast |
colFirst |
colLast |
rwFirst (4 bytes): An UncheckedRw (section 2.5.155) structure that specifies the first row of the range.
rwLast (4 bytes): An UncheckedRw structure that specifies the last row of the range. Its value MUST NOT be less than rwFirst.
colFirst (4 bytes): An UncheckedCol (section 2.5.153) structure that specifies the first column (1) of the range.
colLast (4 bytes): An UncheckedCol structure that specifies the last column (1) of the range. Its value MUST NOT be less than colFirst.