2.5.33 CFGradientInterpItem
The CFGradientInterpItem structure specifies one control point in the interpolation curve. The interpolation curve maps cell values to colors for a conditional formatting rule using color scale formatting. The color is specified as the numerical value associated with the color in the corresponding CFGradient.rgCurve array of the containing CFGradient structure.
1 |
2 |
3 |
cfvoInterp (variable) |
... |
numDomain |
... |
cfvoInterp (variable): A CFVO structure that specifies the cell value associated with the numerical value specified in numDomain.
numDomain (8 bytes): An Xnum (section 2.5.342) structure that specifies the numerical value of this control point. MUST be equal to 0.0 if the structure is the first item in the rgbCT.rgInterp array of the containing CF12 record. MUST be equal to 1.0 if this structure is the last item in the rgbCT.rgInterp array of the containing CF12 record. MUST be equal to 0.5 if this structure is the second item in the rgbCT.rgInterp array of the containing CF12 record and rgbCT.cInterpCurve field of the containing CF12 record is equal to 0x03.