Referenced by: NotesListWithTextContainer
An atom record that specifies a reference to a notes slide.
1 |
2 |
3 |
rh |
... |
persistIdRef |
A |
B |
reserved2 |
reserved3 |
notesId |
reserved4 |
rh (8 bytes): A RecordHeader structure (section 2.3.1) that specifies the header for this record. Sub-fields are further specified in the following table.
MUST be 0x0.
MUST be 0x000.
MUST be RT_SlidePersistAtom.
MUST be 0x00000014.
persistIdRef (4 bytes): A PersistIdRef (section 2.2.21) that specifies the value to look up in the persist object directory to find the offset of the NotesContainer record (section 2.5.6) for a notes slide.
A - reserved1 (2 bits): MUST be zero and MUST be ignored.
B - fNonOutlineData (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether the notes slide specified by the persistIdRef field contains data other than text in a placeholder shape.
reserved2 (29 bits): MUST be zero and MUST be ignored.
reserved3 (4 bytes): MUST be zero and MUST be ignored.
notesId (4 bytes): A NotesId that specifies the identifier for the notes slide specified by the persistIdRef field.
reserved4 (4 bytes): MUST be zero and MUST be ignored.