2.7.9 RecolorInfoAtom
Referenced by: OfficeArtClientData
An atom record that specifies a collection of re-color mappings for a metafile ([MS-WMF]).
The corresponding metafile is specified by the Blip properties ([MS-ODRAW] section 2.3.23) of the OfficeArtSpContainer ([MS-ODRAW] section 2.2.14) that contains this RecolorInfoAtom record.
1 |
2 |
3 |
rh |
... |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
unused2 |
cColors |
cFills |
monoColor |
... |
rgRecolorEntry (variable) |
... |
unused3 (variable) |
... |
rh (8 bytes): A RecordHeader structure (section 2.3.1) that specifies the header for this record. Sub-fields are further specified in the following table.
MUST be 0x0.
MUST be 0x000.
MUST be RT_RecolorInfoAtom.
A - fShouldRecolor (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether the re-color mappings are applied.
B - fMissingColors (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether rgRecolorEntry has more than 64 items with a RecolorEntryColor variant. It SHOULD<97> be ignored.
C - fMissingFills (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether rgRecolorEntry has more than 64 items with a RecolorEntryBrush variant. It SHOULD<98> be ignored.
D - unused1 (1 bit): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
E - fMonoRecolor (1 bit): A bit that specifies whether monoColor is used as the destination color instead of the destination colors specified by the RecolorEntry structures in the rgRecolorEntry array.
unused2 (11 bits): Undefined and MUST be ignored.
cColors (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the count of items in the rgRecolorEntry array with a RecolorEntryColor variant.
cFills (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the count of items in the rgRecolorEntry array with a RecolorEntryBrush variant.
monoColor (6 bytes): A WideColorStruct structure that specifies the destination color if the fMonoRecolor bit is set.
rgRecolorEntry (variable): An array of RecolorEntry structures that specifies color mappings. The count of items in the array is specified by cColors + cFills. It MUST contain cColors items with a RecolorEntryColor variant. It MUST contain cFills items with a RecolorEntryBrush variant.
unused3 (variable): Undefined and MUST be ignored. The size, in bytes, is specified by the following formula:
rh.recLen – ( 12 + 44 * ( cColors + cFills ) )