Compartir a través de Binary Document XOR Data Transformation Method 1

Data transformed by Binary Document XOR Data Transformation Method 1 for encryption MUST be as specified in the EncryptData_Method1 procedure. This procedure takes the following parameters:

  • Password: An ASCII string that specifies the password to be used to encrypt the data.

  • Data: An array of unsigned 8-bit integers that specifies the data to be encrypted.

  • XorArrayIndex: An unsigned integer that specifies the initial index into the XOR obfuscation array to be used.

     FUNCTION EncryptData_Method1
         PARAMETERS Password, Data, XorArrayIndex
         DECLARE XorArray as array of 8-bit unsigned integers
         SET XorArray TO CreateXorArray_Method1(Password)
         FOR Index FROM 0 TO Data.Length
             SET Value TO Data[Index]
             SET Value TO (Value rotate left 5 bits)
             SET Value TO Value BITWISE XOR XorArray[XorArrayIndex]
             SET DATA[Index] TO Value
             INCREMENT XorArrayIndex
             SET XorArrayIndex TO XorArrayIndex MODULO 16
         END FOR

Data transformed by the Binary Document XOR Data Transformation Method 1 for decryption MUST be as specified in the DecryptData_Method1 procedure. This procedure takes the following parameters:

  • Password: An ASCII string that specifies the password to be used to decrypt the data.

  • Data: An array of unsigned 8-bit integers that  specifies the data to be decrypted.

  • XorArrayIndex: An unsigned integer that specifies the initial index into the XOR obfuscation array to be used.

     FUNCTION DecryptData_Method1
         PARAMETERS Password, Data, XorArrayIndex
         DECLARE XorArray as array of 8-bit unsigned integers
         SET XorArray TO CreateXorArray_Method1(Password)
         FOR Index FROM 0 to Data.Length
             SET Value TO Data[Index]
             SET Value TO Value BITWISE XOR XorArray[XorArrayIndex]
             SET Value TO (Value rotate right 5 bits)
             SET Data[Index] TO Value
             INCREMENT XorArrayIndex
             SET XorArrayIndex TO XorArrayIndex MODULO 16
         END FOR