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2.5.9 FibRgFcLcb2003

The FibRgFcLcb2003 structure is a variable-sized portion of the Fib.  It extends the FibRgFcLcb2002.

































rgFcLcb2002 (1088 bytes)



























































rgFcLcb2002 (1088 bytes): The contained FibRgFcLcb2002.

fcHplxsdr (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. An Hplxsdr structure begins at this offset. This structure specifies information about XML schema definition (XSD) references.

lcbHplxsdr (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Hplxsdr structure at the offset fcHplxsdr in the Table Stream. If lcbHplxsdr is zero, then fcHplxsdr is undefined and MUST be ignored.

fcSttbfBkmkSdt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. An SttbfBkmkSdt that contains information about the structured document tag bookmarks in the document begins at this offset. If lcbSttbfBkmkSdt is zero, then fcSttbfBkmkSdt is undefined and MUST be ignored.

The SttbfBkmkSdt is parallel to the Plcbkfd at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt in the Table Stream. Each element in the SttbfBkmkSdt specifies information about the bookmark that is associated with the data element which is located at the same offset in that Plcbkfd. For this reason, the SttbfBkmkSdt that begins at offset fcSttbfBkmkSdt, and the Plcbkfd that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt, MUST contain the same number of elements.

lcbSttbfBkmkSdt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the SttbfBkmkSdt at offset fcSttbfBkmkSdt.

fcPlcfBkfSdt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. A Plcbkfd that contains information about the structured document tag bookmarks in the document begins at this offset. If lcbPlcfBkfSdt is zero, fcPlcfBkfSdt is undefined and MUST be ignored.

Each data element in the Plcbkfd is associated, in a one-to-one correlation, with a data element in the Plcbkld at offset fcPlcfBklSdt. For this reason, the Plcbkfd that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt, and the Plcbkld that begins at offset fcPlcfBklSdt, MUST contain the same number of data elements. The Plcbkfd is parallel to the SttbfBkmkSdt at offset fcSttbfBkmkSdt in the Table Stream. Each data element in the Plcbkfd specifies information about the bookmark that is associated with the element which is located at the same offset in that SttbfBkmkSdt. For this reason, the Plcbkfd that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt, and the SttbfBkmkSdt that begins at offset fcSttbfBkmkSdt, MUST contain the same number of elements.

lcbPlcfBkfSdt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Plcbkfd at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt.

fcPlcfBklSdt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. A Plcbkld that contains information about the structured document tag bookmarks in the document begins at this offset. If lcbPlcfBklSdt is zero, fcPlcfBklSdt is undefined and MUST be ignored.

Each data element in the Plcbkld is associated, in a one-to-one correlation, with a data element in the Plcbkfd at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt. For this reason, the Plcbkld that begins at offset fcPlcfBklSdt, and the Plcbkfd that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfSdt MUST contain the same number of data elements.

lcbPlcfBklSdt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Plcbkld at offset fcPlcfBklSdt.

fcCustomXForm (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. An array of 16-bit Unicode characters, which specifies the full path and file name of the XML Stylesheet to apply when saving this document in XML format, begins at this offset. If lcbCustomXForm is zero, fcCustomXForm is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbCustomXForm (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the array at offset fcCustomXForm in the Table Stream. This value MUST be less than or equal to 4168 and MUST be evenly divisible by two.

fcSttbfBkmkProt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. An SttbfBkmkProt that contains information about range-level protection bookmarks in the document begins at this offset. If lcbSttbfBkmkProt is zero, fcSttbfBkmkProt is undefined and MUST be ignored.

The SttbfBkmkProt is parallel to the Plcbkf at offset fcPlcfBkfProt in the Table Stream. Each element in the SttbfBkmkProt specifies information about the bookmark that is associated with the data element which is located at the same offset in that Plcbkf. For this reason, the SttbfBkmkProt that begins at offset fcSttbfBkmkProt, and the Plcbkf that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfProt, MUST contain the same number of elements.

lcbSttbfBkmkProt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the SttbfBkmkProt at offset fcSttbfBkmkProt.

fcPlcfBkfProt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. A Plcbkf that contains information about range-level protection bookmarks in the document begins at this offset. If lcbPlcfBkfProt is zero, then fcPlcfBkfProt is undefined and MUST be ignored.

Each data element in the Plcbkf is associated, in a one-to-one correlation, with a data element in the Plcbkl at offset fcPlcfBklProt. For this reason, the Plcbkf that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfProt, and the Plcbkl that begins at offset fcPlcfBklProt, MUST contain the same number of data elements. The Plcbkf is parallel to the SttbfBkmkProt at offset fcSttbfBkmkProt in the Table Stream. Each data element in the Plcbkf specifies information about the bookmark that is associated with the element which is located at the same offset in that SttbfBkmkProt. For this reason, the Plcbkf that begins at offset fcPlcfBkfProt, and the SttbfBkmkProt that begins at offset fcSttbfBkmkProt, MUST contain the same number of elements.

lcbPlcfBkfProt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Plcbkf at offset fcPlcfBkfProt.

fcPlcfBklProt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. A Plcbkl containing information about range-level protection bookmarks in the document begins at this offset. If lcbPlcfBklProt is zero, then fcPlcfBklProt is undefined and MUST be ignored.

Each data element in the Plcbkl is associated in a one-to-one correlation with a data element in the Plcbkf at offset fcPlcfBkfProt, so the Plcbkl beginning at offset fcPlcfBklProt and the Plcbkf beginning at offset fcPlcfBkfProt MUST contain the same number of data elements.

lcbPlcfBklProt (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the Plcbkl at offset fcPlcfBklProt.

fcSttbProtUser (4 bytes):  An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. A SttbProtUser that specifies the usernames that are used for range-level protection begins at this offset.

lcbSttbProtUser (4 bytes):  An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the SttbProtUser at the offset fcSttbProtUser.

fcUnused (4 bytes): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.

lcbUnused (4 bytes): This value MUST be 0, and MUST be ignored.

fcPlcfpmiOld (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated paragraph mark information cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<99> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<100> be ignored. If lcbPlcfpmiOld is zero, then fcPlcfpmiOld is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcfpmiOld (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated paragraph mark information cache at offset fcPlcfpmiOld in the Table Stream. SHOULD<101> be zero.

fcPlcfpmiOldInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated paragraph mark information cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<102> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<103> be ignored. If lcbPlcfpmiOldInline is zero, then fcPlcfpmiOldInline is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcfpmiOldInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated paragraph mark information cache at offset fcPlcfpmiOldInline in the Table Stream. SHOULD<104> be zero.

fcPlcfpmiNew (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated paragraph mark information cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<105> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<106> be ignored. If lcbPlcfpmiNew is zero, then fcPlcfpmiNew is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcfpmiNew (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated paragraph mark information cache at offset fcPlcfpmiNew in the Table Stream. SHOULD<107> be zero.

fcPlcfpmiNewInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated paragraph mark information cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<108> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<109> be ignored. If lcbPlcfpmiNewInline is zero, then fcPlcfpmiNewInline is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcfpmiNewInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated paragraph mark information cache at offset fcPlcfpmiNewInline in the Table Stream. SHOULD<110> be zero.

fcPlcflvcOld (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated listnum field cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<111> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<112> be ignored. If lcbPlcflvcOld is zero, then fcPlcflvcOld is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcflvcOld (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated listnum field cache at offset fcPlcflvcOld in the Table Stream. SHOULD<113> be zero.

fcPlcflvcOldInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated listnum field cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<114> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<115> be ignored. If lcbPlcflvcOldInline is zero, fcPlcflvcOldInline is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcflvcOldInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated listnum field cache at offset fcPlcflvcOldInline in the Table Stream. SHOULD<116> be zero.

fcPlcflvcNew (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated listnum field cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<117> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<118> be ignored. If lcbPlcflvcNew is zero, fcPlcflvcNew is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcflvcNew (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated listnum field cache at offset fcPlcflvcNew in the Table Stream. SHOULD<119> be zero.

fcPlcflvcNewInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated listnum field cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<120> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<121> be ignored. If lcbPlcflvcNewInline is zero, fcPlcflvcNewInline is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPlcflvcNewInline (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated listnum field cache at offset fcPlcflvcNewInline in the Table Stream. SHOULD<122> be zero.

fcPgdMother (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated document page layout cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<123> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<124> be ignored. If lcbPgdMother is zero, fcPgdMother is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPgdMother (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated document page layout cache at offset fcPgdMother in the Table Stream.

fcBkdMother (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated document text flow break cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<125> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<126> be ignored. If lcbBkdMother is zero, then fcBkdMother is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbBkdMother (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated document text flow break cache at offset fcBkdMother in the Table Stream.

fcAfdMother (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated document author filter cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<127> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<128> be ignored. If lcbAfdMother is zero, then fcAfdMother is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbAfdMother (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated document author filter cache at offset fcAfdMother in the Table Stream.

fcPgdFtn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated footnote layout cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<129> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<130> be ignored. If lcbPgdFtn is zero, then fcPgdFtn is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPgdFtn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated footnote layout cache at offset fcPgdFtn in the Table Stream.

fcBkdFtn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. The deprecated footnote text flow break cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<131> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<132> be ignored. If lcbBkdFtn is zero, fcBkdFtn is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbBkdFtn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated footnote text flow break cache at offset fcBkdFtn in the Table Stream.

fcAfdFtn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. The deprecated footnote author filter cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<133> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<134> be ignored. If lcbAfdFtn is zero, fcAfdFtn is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbAfdFtn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated footnote author filter cache at offset fcAfdFtn in the Table Stream.

fcPgdEdn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. The deprecated endnote layout cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<135> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<136> be ignored. If lcbPgdEdn is zero, then fcPgdEdn is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbPgdEdn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated endnote layout cache at offset fcPgdEdn in the Table Stream.

fcBkdEdn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. The deprecated endnote text flow break cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<137> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<138> be ignored. If lcbBkdEdn is zero, fcBkdEdn is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbBkdEdn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated endnote text flow break cache at offset fcBkdEdn in the Table Stream.

fcAfdEdn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. Deprecated endnote author filter cache begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<139> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<140> be ignored. If lcbAfdEdn is zero, then fcAfdEdn is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbAfdEdn (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated endnote author filter cache at offset fcAfdEdn in the Table Stream.

fcAfd (4 bytes):  An unsigned integer that specifies an offset in the Table Stream. A deprecated AFD structure begins at this offset. Information SHOULD NOT<141> be emitted at this offset and SHOULD<142> be ignored. If lcbAfd is zero, fcAfd is undefined and MUST be ignored.

lcbAfd (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the size, in bytes, of the deprecated AFD structure at offset fcAfd in the Table Stream.