Compartir a través de Determining Properties of a Style

This section specifies an algorithm to determine the set of properties to apply to text, a paragraph, a table, or a list when a particular style is applied to it. Given an istd, one or more arrays of Prl can be derived that express the differences from defaults for this style. Depending on its stk, a style can specify properties for any combination of tables, paragraphs, and characters.

Given an istd:

  1. Read the FIB from offset zero in the WordDocument Stream.

  2. All versions of the FIB contain exactly one FibRgFcLcb97 though it can be nested in a larger structure. Read a STSH from offset FibRgFcLcb97.fcStshf in the Table Stream with size FibRgFcLcb97.lcbStshf.

  3. The given istd is a zero-based index into STSH.rglpstd. Read an LPStd at STSH.rglpstd[istd].

  4. Read the STD structure as LPStd.std, of length LPStd.cbStd bytes.

  5. From the STD.stdf.stdfBase obtain istdBase. If istdBase is any value other than 0x0FFF, then this style is based on another style. Recursively apply this algorithm using istdBase as the starting istd to obtain one or more arrays of Prls as the properties for tables, paragraphs and characters from the base style.

  6. From the STD.stdf.stdfBase obtain stk. For more information, see the description of the cupx member of StdfBase. Read an STD.grLPUpxSw. Based on the stk, grLPUpxSw contains one of the following structures: StkParaGRLPUPX, StkCharGRLPUPX, StkTableGRLPUPX, StkListGRLPUPX.

  7. Each of the preceding structures contains one or more of the following: LPUpxPapx, LPUpxChpx, LPUpxTapx. Each of the latter structures leads to one or more arrays of Prl that specify properties. For more information, see the sections documenting these structures for how to obtain these arrays.

  8. For each array obtained in step 7 that specifies properties of a table, paragraph, or characters, append to the beginning of the corresponding array from step 5, if any. The resulting arrays of Prl are the desired output. Leave the algorithm.