2.8.25 Plcfld
The Plcfld structure is a PLC whose data elements are Flds (2 bytes each). It specifies the location of fields in the document.
A field consists of two parts: field instructions and, optionally, a result. All fields MUST begin with Unicode character 0x0013 with sprmCFSpec applied with a value of 1. This is the field begin character. All fields MUST end with a Unicode character 0x0015 with sprmCFSpec applied with a value of 1. This is the field end character. If the field has a result, then there MUST be a Unicode character 0x0014 with sprmCFSpec applied with a value of 1 somewhere between the field begin character and the field end character. This is the field separator. The field result is the content between the field separator and the field end character. The field instructions are the content between the field begin character and the field separator, if one is present, or between the field begin character and the field end character if no separator is present. The field begin character, field end character, and field separator are collectively referred to as field characters.
The field instructions and field result MUST each be a valid selection.
The CPs of a Plcfld specify the location of the field characters. A Plcfld MUST NOT contain duplicate CPs. Each document part has its own Plcfld, with CPs relative to the start of that document part.
The last CP in aCP does not specify the location of a field character. Because a Plcfld is a PLC, aCP MUST be sorted. Because aCP MUST NOT contain duplicate CPs, the last CP MUST be the largest in aCP. Other than those constraints, the last CP in aCP is undefined and MUST be ignored.
The Flds MUST be arranged such that the sequence of Fld.fldch.ch is a valid FieldList according to the following Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) rulelist. ABNF is specified in [RFC4234].
Begin |
= |
0x13 |
Sep |
= |
0x14 |
End |
= |
0x15 |
Field |
= |
<Begin> |
*<Field> |
[Sep] |
*<Field> |
<End> |
FieldList |
= |
*<Field> |
Additionally, the field characters of the following five field types MUST NOT appear in aFld.
XE, as specified in [ECMA-376] Part 4, Section
TC, as specified in [ECMA-376] Part 4, Section
RD, as specified in [ECMA-376] Part, Section
TA, as specified in [ECMA-376] Part, Section
PRIVATE, as specified in [ECMA-376] Part 4, Section
1 |
2 |
3 |
aCP (variable) |
... |
aFld (variable) |
... |
aCP (variable): An array of CPs. Specifies the positions of field characters in the document.
aFld (variable): An array of Fld. Specifies properties for the field character at the corresponding CP. Fldch.ch of each Fld MUST be equal to the character at the corresponding CP.