2.2.4 Complex Types
The following table summarizes the set of common XML schema complex type definitions that are defined by this specification. XML schema complex type definitions that are specific to a particular operation are defined with the operation.
Complex type |
Description |
FindFolderResponseMessageType |
Specifies the result body for the FindFolder operation (section |
FindItemResponseMessageType |
Specifies the result body from the FindItem operation (section |
AndType |
Specifies a search expression that performs a Boolean AND operation between two or more search expressions. |
ArrayOfCalendaryItemsType |
Specifies an array of CalendarItemType complex types ([MS-OXWSMTGS] section |
ArrayOfGroupedItemsType |
Specifies an array of items that are returned by the FindItem operation. |
ArrayOfItemsType |
Specifies an array of ItemType complex types ([MS-OXWSCORE] section |
BasePagingType |
Specifies the base type for derived types that specify paged views. |
ContainsExpressionType |
Specifies a search expression that determines whether a given property contains the supplied constant string value. |
ExcludesType |
Specifies a bitwise mask of a property for an exclude search restriction. |
ExcludesValueType |
Specifies a hexadecimal or decimal mask for an exclude search restriction. |
ExistsType |
Specifies a search restriction that resolves to true if the supplied property exists on an item. |
FindFolderParentType |
Specifies the results of searching a single Root folder during a FindFolder operation, as specified in section |
FindItemParentType |
Specifies the results of searching a single Root folder during a FindItem operation, as specified in section |
FractionalPageViewType |
Specifies where a paged view starts and the maximum number of items that are returned. |
GroupedItemsType |
Specifies a collection of items that are the result of a grouped FindItem operation. |
IndexedPageViewType |
Specifies how paged item information is returned by the FindItem or the FindFolder operation. |
InstantSearchPayloadType |
For internal use only. |
IsEqualToType |
Specifies a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and evaluates to "true" if they are equal. |
IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType |
Specifies a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and evaluates to "true" if the first property is greater than or equal to the second. |
IsGreaterThanType |
Specifies a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and returns "true" if the first property is greater. |
IsLessThanOrEqualToType |
Specifies a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and evaluates to true if the first property is less than or equal to the second. |
IsLessThanType |
Specifies a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and evaluates to true if the first property is less than the second. |
IsNotEqualToType |
Specifies a search expression that compares a property with either a constant value or another property and evaluates to true if the values are not the same. |
MultipleOperandBooleanExpressionType |
Specifies the base type for search expressions that are formed by two or more Boolean operands. |
NotType |
Specifies a search expression that negates the Boolean value of the search expression that it contains. |
OrType |
Specifies a search expression that performs a logical OR on the search expression that it contains. |
PerformInstantSearchRequest |
For internal use only. |
PerformInstantSearchResponse |
For internal use only. |
RestrictionType |
Specifies a search restriction or query for the FindItem operation or the FindFolder operation. |
SearchExpressionType |
Specifies the base type for all search expressions. |
SearchFolderType |
Specifies a representation of a search folder that is contained in a mailbox. |
SearchParametersType |
Specifies the search parameters that define the contents of a search folder. |
SeekToConditionPageViewType |
Specifies a condition that has to be met in order for an item to be included in the result set that is returned by the FindItem operation or the FindFolder operation.<3> |
TwoOperandExpressionType |
Specifies the base type for derived classes that represent a restriction that is formed by comparing two values against one another. |
QueryStringType |
Specifies a query string.<4> |