Compartir a través de FindPeopleResponseMessageType


The FindPeopleResponseMessageType complex type specifies the response message for a FindPeople WSDL operation. The FindPeopleResponseMessageType complex type extends the ResponseMessageType complex type, as specified in [MS-OXWSCDATA] section

 <xs:complexType name="FindPeopleResponseMessageType" xmlns:xs="">
   <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
     <xs:extension base="tns:ResponseMessageType">
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="People" type="t:ArrayOfPeopleType"/>
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TotalNumberOfPeopleInView" type="xs:int"/>
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FirstMatchingRowIndex" type="xs:int"/>
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FirstLoadedRowIndex" type="xs:int"/>

People: An element of type ArrayOfPeopleType that represents an array of PersonaType complex types.

TotalNumberOfPeopleInView: An element of type int, as defined in [XMLSCHEMA2/2], that represents the number of contacts (2) that appear.

FirstMatchingRowIndex: For internal use only.

FirstLoadedRowIndex: For internal use only.