The PropertyValue structure represents a single property of an addressee.
1 |
2 |
3 |
PropertyType |
PropertyId |
Value (variable) |
... |
PropertyType (2 bytes): An integer that specifies the type of data in the Value field. The data can be any of the following types. For details about these types, see [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1.
§ PtypInteger32
§ PtypErrorCode
§ PtypBoolean
§ PtypString
§ PtypString8
§ PtypTime
§ PtypBinary
§ PtypMultipleString8
§ PtypMultipleBinary
PropertyId (2 bytes): An integer that identifies the data in the Value field.
Value (variable): The data that is the value of the property. The format of the data depends on the type that is specified in the PropertyType field.