Important Mail
The template for a search that finds messages marked as important has the following characteristics and settings:
Template ID: 5
Folders excluded: Sync Issues folder ([MS-OXOSFLD] section 2.2.1), Deleted Items folder, Junk E-mail folder, Outbox folder, Drafts folder<4>
Items excluded: Appointments, contacts, distribution lists, journal items, sticky notes, tasks
Value of the PidTagSearchFolderStorageType property (section 0x00000048 (flags B and E)
The affected fields of the PidTagSearchFolderDefinition property (section are as follows:
FolderList2: An EntryList structure ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.3.1) that contains the folders to be searched. This will include all mailbox folders, except the ones specifically excluded by this template.
SearchRestriction: A Restriction structure, as specified in section, that describes messages marked as important.