Compartir a través de RopTransportNewMail ROP Request Buffer

For the RopTransportNewMail ROP request buffer ([MS-OXCROPS] section, the InputHandleIndex field represents a Logon object handle.

The following descriptions define valid fields for the RopTransportNewMail ROP request buffer.

MessageId (8 bytes): An integer that specifies the message ID (MID) ([MS-OXCDATA] section of the new message.

FolderId (8 bytes): An integer that specifies the location of the new message.

MessageClass (variable): A zero-terminated ANSI character set string that specifies the value of the PidTagMessageClass property ([MS-OXCMSG] section of the message.

MessageFlags (4 bytes): A flag field that specifies the value of the PidTagMessageFlags property ([MS-OXCMSG] section of the message.