Compartir a través de PidLidEmail1EmailAddress, PidLidEmail2EmailAddress, PidLidEmail3EmailAddress Properties

Type: PtypString ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1)

The PidLidEmail1EmailAddress ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.102), PidLidEmail2EmailAddress ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.107), and PidLidEmail3EmailAddress ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.112) properties specify the email address of the contact. The format of an email address is determined by its address type. Therefore, the values of these properties MUST conform to the address types specified for these email addresses. Address types are specified by the PidLidEmail1AddressType (section, PidLidEmail2AddressType (section, and PidLidEmail3AddressType (section properties. The client and server commonly use the "SMTP" and "EX" address types. The format of an "SMTP" email address is specified in [RFC5321]; the format of an "EX" email address is specified in [RFC2247].

The address type is intended to provide an avenue for various third-party delivery mechanisms to define their own email address format. A Contact object merely stores the address type and the email address; the address type and the email address have no special meaning in the context of this protocol.