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2.2.3 Contacts-Related Folders

A contacts-related folder is a Folder object that has the PidTagContainerClass property ([MS-OXOCAL] section set to a string that begins with "IPF.Contact". In all other respects, a contacts-related folder conforms to the folder syntax and functionality specified by [MS-OXCFOLD]. The following contacts-related folders are defined.<18>

Folder name

Container class




Contact objects and Personal Distribution List objects; subfolders that contain imported contacts.

Quick Contacts


Contains Contact objects for the user's favorite contacts and instant messaging contacts.

IM Contact List


Contains Personal Distribution List objects for the user's favorite contacts.

<depends on the source from which the contact was obtained>


Contains Contact objects representing external contacts that have been imported from a source such as a social networking site. The name of the folder reflects the source of the contact. Each folder that contains external contacts is a subfolder of the Contacts folder.

A Contact object SHOULD be created in the Contacts folder, a subfolder of the Contacts folder, or the Quick Contacts folder. A Personal Distribution List object SHOULD be created in the Contacts folder or the IM Contact List folder.