Compartir a través de PidLidContactCharacterSet Property

Type: PtypInteger32 ([MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.1)

The PidLidContactCharacterSet property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.67) specifies the character set used for this Contact object.<13> Clients use this property to aid in generating a character-set-dependent list of choices for the properties PidLidFileUnder (section, PidLidFileUnderList (section, and PidLidFileUnderId (section If the value of the PidLidContactCharacterSet property is 0x00000000 or 0x00000001, clients SHOULD treat this property as not being set. For U.S. English, the client sets the value of the PidLidContactCharacterSet property to 0x00000100, denoting a Western character set. This property is optional.